
Baby movements - is this normal?

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Can anyone tell me if they experience this please? I am 30 weeks pregnant. Some hours my baby moves about lots and then I can have four or so hours where she is so quiet and I cant feel her and i panic that something is wrong. Then she ends up moving lots again and so on.

She also moves more some days and then much less others.

I cant ring the clinic everytime or I would be calling all the time! Is this normal?




  1. that's normal. the little one is prolly just resting. think of it this way.....we don't constantly move either. they don't have a whole lot of room in there to be moving all the time

  2. Yes it is normal.  Don't call the clinic because there is nothing abnormal about it.  Babies sleep - they sleep a lot.  They get excited if you eat or drink something sugary and sleep a bunch because they are growing.  If you call the clinic they will tell you the same thing.  

  3. yes that's normal, they can't move constantly nor perfactly reularly for you! My baby used to have a busy day, then the next day was obviously too exhausted to keep up the same levels of activity!

  4. yes! of course thats normal. she needs rest too you know. and why would you call the clinic for that? as long as she moves she is fine.

  5. It's normal. Those periods where she's not moving is probably when she's sleeping. She may have mellower days too, just like we do. Pay some attention to her quiet times. With my son they coincided with his sleep patterns outside the womb.

  6. Yeah, perfectly normal.  Your baby has a sleep cycle and some days she may just not move quite as much or you might not notice it if you are quite active.  Unless your doctor has instructed you about certain numbers of counts every single hour, I think your baby being very active periodically is fine.  You should ask your doctor their expectations of when to contact them.  Also, don't feel guilty for playing it safe.  You care about your baby, so of course you will be over-cautious.  The doctor will understand.

  7. yes it is normal, especially since it is a girl, boys tend to move more. and no one moves constantly, as long as she moves once a day it is fine.

  8. i have two boys and yes this is totally normal your baby is probably sleeping and just like us some days we are more active and others less read the book what to expect when expecting it is a great book that answers alot of questions about baby before during and after

  9. Our babies are forming sleep patterns before they are ever born.  She may just have longer sleep times then other babies.  As long as you are feeling at least 10 movements in 2 hours you are fine.  Also sometimes at this stage the babies are more cramped up so the movements are not as big.  So some of them you may not feel if you are not thinking about it.  

  10. Your baby is probably just napping.  This is fine.  Don't worry.. only if she doesn't move ALL day is there really cause for concern.  

  11. stop stressing! your normal. if you don't feel the baby move for an entire day (i mean from the moment you wake up until it's almost time for bed) then call. but 4 hours of no moment mean he/she is sleeping!! they are resting and getting ready to enter the world. you should be doing the same! also don't forget now that your in your last trimester the baby is much bigger and has less room to move. the father along you get the less jumping around your baby will do. congrats!

  12. Your baby in the womb has its own sleep pattern.  You will notice when you are on the move your baby will sleep b/c its like your rocking it to sleep.  When your sitting you will notice much more movement.  I've been pregnant twice and that's what happened to me.  Also if you get worried your baby hasn't moved in a while wake it up.  Push gently on your belly until you get a response.  You won't hurt it.  

  13. yes that is okay! calm down. As long as you feel her every day that's good. I'm also 30 weeks, some times my little boy goes crazy other times he's still. They sleep alot, too, so when you're not feeling her she's probably just relaxing.

  14. i hope so!! i know this doesnt help but im 27 weeks and all morning she has moved once and i have been up since 5 30  

  15. My baby does the samething.  He seems to be a lil fatty and starts to move around meal time.  Afterward he is still as can be and I may only feel a flicker every once in awhile.  Baby's form habits and different things like that, I would be more concerned if she was an active all the time and then you didnt feel her for several several hours.  sounds like everything is fine to me.  next appt ask your dr. tomake sure that this is norm.

  16. of course its normal. the baby needs to rest too, she may just be asleep for a while. I'm 29 weeks and my baby is more active at night when i want to lay and sleep. good luck!

  17. It fine. I am 26 week pregnant with my third baby. This baby was very active. Would move all day long. Now it doesn't it move once every hour two. If you still feel the baby move  a lot and couples of hours later it could be napping.

  18. very normal. Just like you, you can be quiet sometimes. Or sometimes you can be active. its normal for babies to movie around sometimes, and be quiet and still sometimes.!

  19. feed it some vodka, it makes me sleepy  

  20. It's completely normal. She has her up and down time, just like we do. When she is not moving, she is probably sleeping. I know it's hard not to worry, but you and your baby are fine. I'm glad to see someone keeping track of their baby's movements. It really is important. Be prepared that towards the end of your pregnancy, she will move less and less, and it will feel more like she is squirming due to lack of space. Congrats!!

  21. I went to the labor and delivery over this a few times. Sometime my son would move all day and sometime he wouldn't move at all. It is perfectly normal. Ask your doctor how long you should wait when you feel nothing. I know there is a time.. maybe like a few hours but I don't remember exactly. Babies sleep a lot and at different times while in the womb. Sometimes it helped me when I got worried to get up and move around that sometimes woke him up and he would start kicking me. Congratulations on your baby!

  22. Babies sleep a lot, silly.  

  23. This is completely normal. I was like that with my (now 6 month old) son.  When I was pregnant usually early afternoon he would start moving around like crazy and I could see him moving but other times I didn't feel anything and sometimes even forget there's anything in there but then the next day he would move around again. You don't need to call your doctor every time.  As long as you feel some kind of movement at least once a day your baby is fine.  Just relax and think about what you have to look forward to - it's so much fun!  

  24. She is probably just sleeping, or it is getting cramped in there so she doesn't have much room anymore!  I bet the hours you feel her moving lots is when she is getting comfortable, and when you don't feel it she is sleeping.  If you don't feel a few movements throughout the day, then you should consult your dr.  If you look online, there are kick charts, which show you how many kicks/day you should count.  Maybe that would be helpful for you?  Anyways, I'm sure she is fine, especially if she is really active in other times.  Good luck and congrats!

  25. Very normal:)  Don't worry.  The baby sleeps a lot just like he/she will when they get here.  Also, there is going to be less and less room in there over the next 10 weeks so, movement will slow down and when it does happen, you'll see it not just feel it!  If you feel no movement at all for the day, drink some juice and lay down on your side (left if you can) and have as much quit as possible.  Count your babies movement, even very small ones.  You should feel at least 5-6 in an hour.  If you don't try again for one more hour and really concentrate on feeling baby.  If there is still no movement, even slight, call the doc.

  26. i have herd that bbaies in utero sleep 18 hours out of the day and awake 6 hours out of the day give or take..

    reassure that you are 30 weeks, so even the farther along you get you wont feel him/her as frequent as you remember.. the farther along you get the little one gets cramped in there and cant move as well...just remember that as long as you at least feel some kind of movment and it hasnt been days since the last movment, then you should be ok.. if you are concerned after not feeling anything what so ever after acouple days then phone the DOC..

  27. My son did that a lot too! Sometimes he would kick like 30 times in a row all at once, I could get my kick counts done in a few seconds.  Then there were other times where I'd start to freak out and poke around on my belly and eat something sugary trying to get him to move.  I'm sure it's fine, you know once they get to be so big its hard for them to do all the acrobatics and flips and move around so much.  I'm sure when you cannot feel her shes just resting! I always felt like I wanted to call the dr. everytime too, but it's ok and normal.  If you start to really feel like something is wrong, you know like an instinct feeling then I would give them a ring anyway, Im sure they are used to it, every woman does it! Good luck!

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