
Baby progress question?

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I feel like i always ask silly and bizarre questions so thanks for humoring me.

Lately my 9 month old daughter has made great physical progress, standing she can cruse, can walk while holding something, can stand holding nothing briefly etc. Can feed herself some things she likes (especially if they are her favorite things)

HOwever she hasn't made any more verbal progress lately. DO they usually concentrate on one thing for a while? She babbles, and lifts her little arm in the air tward something she wants to see etc, but thats about it. She can say "m" "n" "r" sounds but i don't think she knows what "mama" means me. she can blow bubbles and make motor boat sounds and wines, or screams to say she wants something.

anyway i am a first time mom and am just curious if you think she is on track. or if they just do one thing for a while then switch.





    Your Baby’s Progress- Month 9

    What’s Going on This Month?

    Your Baby

    Your baby may do any of the following:

    crawl or begin to crawl.

    pull himself to a standing position.

    wave “bye- bye”.

    push away things he doesn’t want.

    cry when away from his mother.

    look at picture books.

    begin to finger-feed himself.

    pass an object from one hand to the other.

    respond to lots of positive attention.

    Responds to own name and turns head directly toward interesting sounds.

    Shows his likes and dislikes.

    Shows affection to you and his favorite toy.

    He loves to explore his environment, but needs your watchful-eye to keep him safe.

    Your Baby’s Progress - Month 12

    What’s Going on This Month?

    Your Baby

    Loves to play with toys, pots and hard plastic spoons or play pat-a-cake and “peek-a-boo.”

    She may love rolling balls.  

    Your baby may be able to stand alone, walk or squat down.  

    She may obey simple commands such as “no” or “give it to me,” and bang two blocks held in her hands.  

    Say “Mama” and “Dada” to her parents and imitate words.  

    She will show you great affection, but may collapse in a tantrum when things don’t go her way.  

    Likes to be the center of attention now.

    Your baby is learning to express themselves but may get frustrated and cry. Be patient and do not raise your voice with your baby.

  2. You have some high expectations for a 9 month old.  It's common for kids not to say their first word until 12-15 months.  "Late talkers" can be 18 months to 2 years.

  3. Sometimes, yes, babies can seem to concentrate on learning one thing first.  Maybe at this point, her body feels mobility is more important to her "survival" than being verbally communicative.

    Make sure you talk to her.  When she points to something or looks at something, tell her what it is, what color it is, what it does, how to turn it on/off, etc.  Repeat the name over and over when you are talking to her.  Also, when she is "asking" for something, ask her if she wants what it is.  Use the name of the item she wants.  Say something like "can you say...." and fill in the name.

    I'm sure she will begin to be more verbal soon, but if you are really worried, talk to your baby's pediatrician.

  4. It's not at all unusual for baby to concentrate on one area of learning over another.  Obviously, she's focused on the physical advancements.  If you are still concerned, ask her doctor at her next appt. if she's on track with her developmental milestones.

  5. talk to her a lot, read to her, show her the pictures in a book and tell her what they are, get a couple baby Einstein movies,  sing to her,  she is going to learn to talk by hearing the people around her talk.  and remember if you talk gibberish to her that is how she will learn to talk.  i know that it can sometimes seem silly to talk to a 9 mo. old but they are listening and they are learning.  she will get there.

  6. Sure she is right on track, all children  kinda go at there own pace. i had a nephew who took a while to talk. he is now ten and is the smartest kid i had ever met. just keep beening a good mom and everything will be just fine

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