
Baby question?

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Why do people tell other people to adopt a pet when there are millions out there dying then if a person wants to adopt people sugest having there own when there are millions of kids living horrible lives and babies dying of neglet?

What is your opinion?




  1. My husband was adopted , an I think it's a wonderful thing. Now a days they have open adoption which I feel is much better than a closed one.

  2. Hmmm...first off, I don't think you can really relate pets and children.  Adopting a child or having your own is a very personal decision, much different from picking out a puppy at the pound. It is nature, we are made to procreate with each other.  We yearn to grow a family, whether biologically or through adoption.

  3. Adoption's great.

  4. You make a very good point. Never noticed people saying have your own don't adopt but maybe because it is hard to adopt. I mean have you ever tried to adopt a pet from the pound? I actually got denied once, they would rather put them to sleep then let you give them a home and I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to adopt a baby.

  5. From what I've seen on here many people support adoption.

  6. It is very sad and my heart goes out to all of them. I think its something that americans dont think about while driving around their sports cars and drinking starbucks. I mean, we are not accountable for other people have kids, but I wish the people that could help would do it more often.

  7. it goes both ways actually....i like ur oppinion, but then again people have babys of there own cause its a way of life experience....but ur oppinion is good either way for me

  8. I have a minor objection to the way the term "adopt" is thrown around.  You can adopt a dog (BTW, I am a dog lover), adopt a highway, adopt a family (charity, usually around the holidays).  I really believe the word adoption needs to be reserved for adding children to a family.  There's no comparasion to the obligation and emotions involved in any other "adopt this" situation.

    It's not something I carry a sign for, but it irks me a little.

  9. I beileve adoption is a wounderful process and I would love to save every single hurting child in the world if I could. The fact of the matter is becomming a foster/ adoptiive parent is a grewling process... I know I know you're thinking ( as I used to) well if you can't handle the process you don't desreve to be a parrent anyway. Well we went through the process took in quite a few kids and our last little boy we were PROMISED the adoption from the get go ( we had him almost 2 years). We filed our paper work, had his name changed EVERYTHING. Two weeks before finalization a bio relative came up. CPS told us "No problem" they were still supporting our adoption went on court record supporting us and we were told to just hold out for two weeks and it would all be over. Well in our case, the case mananger had screwed up big time. Our son was never suposed to be placed in foster care; turns out his aunt had been stuck in the system since he was three days old fighting for custody. ( we never even knew she existed!) We ended up in a coustody battle that lasted 8 months! Not only were we going through this horrible battle but CPS once the bio family retained an attorney decided they now wanted to withdraw support from our adoption and just send him to another state ( keep in mind when CPS decided to "move" him he had only spent in 18months 5 hours with his bio family. We had to bring in a child psycologist to help put a stop to the trauma that all the abruptness was causing our son. Not to Mention that the CPS case mananger was going into court and lieing...she even lied about the child psycologists recomendations! wE HAD to call him to testify against the case manager! The whole situtaion was  a circus! I would never believe that CPS could act this way had it not happened to me. In the end we lost the custody battle because AZ favors family re-unification and it was the fault of CPS not the bio aunt that contact and visitation was never established. We had to have the casemanager removed and the child psycologist monitor the transition because it caused sooo much trauma to our son. In the end, after everything my kids and my family went through my husband and I decided that we're going to have to wait until our boys are grown before we can take in a child in the system again. Not because we can't handle it but because we can't save some one elses bio child(ren) at the expense of our own children. Oh and adopting a pet is nothing like adopting a child. You can leave your cat alone for a week as long as it has food and water. Pet adoption and Child adoption are nothing alike I don't even know why you would compare them??

  10. That is in the same way there r so many people taking action against global warming, animal rights, saving the rain forest and no 1 gives d**n about the people die, or being killed everyday, by either terrorist or the war against them!

  11. That question doesn't make much sense, but here's an answer for you. It's a whole lot easier and cheaper to adopt a pet than a human being. There is a lot more involved in having children than going down to an agency and picking one out, and saying, "I want that one." Your comparison is like apples and oranges.

  12. One reason could be because to adopt a child from another country it can take well over a year of grueling paperwork as well as $25-30k in fees.  If they would make the process a bit easier then I'm sure that more people would choose that option.

  13. i think people get the punishment they deserve when they neglect animals but not when they neglect another human. specially children.

    people are that way for lots of reasons (mostly selfish ones) strange how the commiment issue different between having your own and adopting

  14. many people can't have babies of their own for many reasons so turn to adoption. I have never heard of people discouraging adoption...

  15. maybe they should start with a pet first to see how they handle that before getting into adopting a huge responsibility like a child. Plus, adopting  a pet is waaay cheaper, lol. Sadly though you are right, there are too many children (in our own country even) suffering and that is not right

  16. Your very right.

    Most people dont think of that.

  17. I wanted my own natural children. I would also adopt. Each person has a different opinion for different reasons. We can't just stop having biological children until all of the kids in foster care are adopted. It's just not logical.
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