
Baby shower blues?!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 23 weeks pregnant and have been put on strict bedrest due to preterm labor. My baby is due 12-13-08 but dr.'s think she will arrive early. I was supposed to have a baby shower thrown for me in Oct in my hometown which is 2 hours away. The problem is I can't ride that far and I hate to ask my family and friends to drive here with gas prices the way they are. Any suggestions on how I can still have the baby shower?




  1. My daughter lives in another state and I was unable to be there to give her a baby shower.  What I did was invite her family from my state to my house and her friends and family in her state to her house and had web cams and voice set up at both houses.  I ordered pizza's and had them delivered to her house and had snacks at my house.  We played games and she watched the people at my house open her gifts and we watched her open the ones there.  It actually turned out really great!  

  2. As much as you dont want to ask family and friends to come to you,  I think they will be understanding and try their best to do whats best for you.  Maybe not every one you want will make it but im sure a few will.  Good Luck!! Hope all works out for you

  3. how about a "virtual" party?  in essence, i think you could send out announcements - and then folks can mail you gifts!  kinda like when you get married, what all the out of town family does (mail you gifts).  

    i would expect that you would not get many gifts, but in about 4 months, you'll get the best gift from yourself!

    good luck, and congrats.  

  4. I live an 1 1/2 from my family and they all drove here for my shower....

  5. Maybe you husband (or boyfriend) can fill in for you instead? I know that isn't much fun, but atleast the party wouldn't have to be cancelled.

    Or another idea is wait until the baby is born to have the party?

    EDIT: I agree with the poster below me, I would be more then happy to drive 2 hours for a friend or family member :)

  6. If i was your friend, I would be more than happy to drive and see you. I'm sure they would be fine with a little travel considering the cirumstances.

  7. You can always have a "Welcome To The World" baby shower after the baby is born.  We have done that for a few friends who had difficult or high-risk pregnancies and it really worked much better.  Not to mention, it gives everyone a chance to meet your baby - especially if you are a couple of hours away!  

  8. How about a virtual shower, where you are connected by computer/camera somehow while you open the gifts that have been sent?  Doing a live feed may be hard, but maybe you can record it and then email it to people?
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