
Baby sucking on his hands?

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isn't that germy? do they get sick from it? plus isn't a pacifier germy. sure you rinse it off as much as possible but sometimes you dont. isn't that a germ spreader also?




  1. Do you realize how many germs are already in the human body?  There are germs everywhere on everything that is just the way the world is.  No they don't get sick from sucking on the pacifier, or bottle nipple or their hands if you clean them.  

  2. You can't do anything about it so try not to worry. Babies are supposed to get exposed to germs. Its how the immune system develops.

  3. Sure, there are germs.  But sticking random stuff in their mouths is what babies do, and it's kinda pointless to try to stop them from doing it.  Usually it won't make them sick, especially if their environment is reasonably clean.

  4. My son does that and i cant really stop him. I dont think its too germy because he isnt really touching anything bad

  5. Babies don't get sick from sucking on their hands unless you haven't washed them.  They suck on their hands to calm themselves down.  It doesn't hurt them at all.  

    Don't worry so much.  Enjoy your baby.

  6. Its fine for a baby to suck it's hands/fingers. Very normal ;)  Definitely keep them clean as much as possible. Pacifiers are germy and hard to break a child/baby away from. They're not good when the baby gets teeth and surely not cute! If your baby can do without it, let them be.

  7. LOL - that's why we breastfeed. Of course there are germs on the hand, but hunny we can't keep all germs away. This is the way the body builds up immunity by coming into contact with germs.  

  8. He wont get sick from sucking on his hand, as long as his hands havent been any where bad germs are, which most babies hands arent anyway, its comforting for him and shouldnt be stopped.  And pacifiers are pretty safe too, as long as it doesnt drop on the ground or a dirty surface.. but dropping in the car seat or on the couch is fine.  Babies need to be exposed to a certain amount of germs, it helps build the immune system and prevents them from becoming sick frequentyly when they are a little older.  My boyfriend was very badly ocd when it came to germs when his daughter was born, he wouldnt let her touch anything and was sooo very worried about germs, she couldnt even go outside or to the park.. if a pacifier or bottle dropped on the ground he wouldnt wash it, he would just throw it away.  Well she is 7 now and ever since she started kindergarden she has been constintly sick, she could just look at a person with a cold an catch it lol, she would get sick atleast 2 times a month, he slowly got over the germ phobia and she is now in first grade and is doing alot better, she only gets colds maybe once every 2 or 3 months, which still isnt that normal!~  gl!

  9. let baby suck on his hands; that's very normal and soon he will put everything in his mouth! LOL

    i would suggest a passy...easier to take away than a thumb habit, and not germy if you keep it reasonably clean; i handwash my bottles and if it falls somewhere that i feel like it needs more than a rinse i will wash it like i do my bottles, bottle brush, etc...i also wash the one she is using usually once a day just with soap and hot water and when i boil nipples and vents for my bottles i throw all the passys in home, unless it hits the floor (we have indoor pets) or something like that, we usually rinse it under hot water and give it back...otherwise, she gets it back right away....if on couch, carseat, crib, etc....

    i always carry spares in public in case she drops one when out somewhere and i can't wash it and need too...

    believe me, as long as you keep things relatively clean, you will be fine! i promise!

    also, they now say that PACIFIERS decrease SIDS

    so they can't be all bad....they are good for babies that's eyes are bigger than their stomach (meaning they have a strong need to suck)

    good luck...and RELAX        :O)

  10. I had the same worries, but as a parent learn to relax. Unless the baby is playing with dog p**p, it should be fine! As for the pacifiers... yes rinse them off as often as possible but be realistic.

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