
Baby wont eat solids?

by Guest59751  |  earlier

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My son is 6 months and has been breastfed up until now. I tried giving him all sorts of baby food I have made, but he wont eat anything, even rice cereal! I thought it was the food i was making so went and got some organic carrots, applesauce, green beans, squash and bananas, he still wont eat them, he clenches his jaw and makes horrible faces with every one of them. Any advice or suggestions? I know he doesn't need to eat solids right right now, but i want to slowly introduce them.




  1. Just be patient. He may not be interested yet. At his age, solids are mainly for new experience and practice for later - he doesn't really need them. Wait a couple of weeks and offer them again. Maybe he'll be interested in them, maybe not. If he seems interested in what's on your plate, then offer solids to him. If he couldn't care less, then don't frustrate yourself. If you're sitting with him, give him a couple of Cheerios to play with and see what he does... He might be one of those kids who detests mushy food - he'll go right for a steak or something when he wants solids. =)  

  2. ruby refused all solids for a looooong time. she specifically refused purees and never ate them -- she still won't, and she is 15 months old and finally a great eater. but if you look through my question history, you'll see how many questions i asked about this. i don't want to cut and paste so much text -- people get annoyed. but please, please, read my question history as well as the last answer i gave about this, where i did cut and paste some helpful stuff. and know that this is normal, okay, not a problem, and he will eat when he is ready. mroe babies than you think want to wait past 6 months for solids. also, consider baby led weaning, or at least offer safe finger foods, too. while he may truly be not ready, he may also be a baby who, like, ruby has a "consistency intolerance." in other words, he may have a sensitive palate that doesn't like the mush. there are many other helpful ideas in my history. just keep offering, don't push, and don't worry. good luck!edit: oh, also, ruby has NEVER let me spoon feed her. she will eat only what she can feed herself. that may also factor into your son's position.

  3. try dipping your finger or binky in the food then give it to your baby. as soon as he is use to that and likes it try a spoon.  

  4. My son is the same way and he's just about 7 months old. He is still getting used to the tastes and textures I think, but I also know that he is teething right now, and I think that's affected his appetite. Don't worry about what anyone might say about timing for solids, as a mom you do what you feel is best. Is your little one teething? If nothing else, I would just say to stick with it. Just maybe try little amounts at a time, and then slowly increase as he'll tolerate. Hope that helps. =)

  5. My son did the same thing and my doctor said as long as he's still drinking milk he's fine.  He said try it again in about a month and a half.  I did. and my son won't stop eating anything.

  6. Try try again. I don't think any baby like solids when you fist introduce them, you have to just keep at it faithfully. Example, my son hated bananas, but I gave him one every day (I cut it up and chucked it on his highchair in front of him) he eventually got curious and now he loves them! I think the rule of thumb is, is that you have to introduce a food 10 times before they truly love or hate it. You will see lots of face squishing and them shaking their heads and gagging, but just smile and say, "yummmmm."

  7. He's older now so he can do certain things to avoid being fed! It's absolutely normal!! And it's not YOUR cooking! I made most of my kids' babyfood as well. He's just not used to the texture. Be patient and keep on trying.

    Right now solids are just a way of introducing him to Real food, not as a way of nourishment.

    Keep trying every day, twice a day. If he let's say despises strained peas, well nxt time give him sthg else, and then after a couple of days try again. Unfortunately there's no magic formula. Just keep on trying, and soon he'll get used to it. My daughter was the same, when I first introduced solids, she wouldnt eat them! Till she did.

    Start with a thing or two. Dont give him too many things, you're supposed to start with one or two veggies. If you're also giving him baby cereal, try one veggie per day. Too many choices might overwhelm him!!

    Best of Luck!

  8. Is this the first time you try to start solids?

    If so thats very normal. Being so used to the milk it is hard for them to adjust to the new feeling in their mouth, make sure you only stick to one thing at a time because he could be allergic, but keep trying he will catch on :)
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