
Bachelor Party?

by  |  earlier

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Over breakfast this morning my fiance asked me if I wanted to go to his bachelor party tomorrow night. I don't think he really wants me there. He said it's because his brother (best man) has hired a couple of strippers and he doesn't want me to be sitting at home (which I wasn't planning on doing anyway) wondering if hes getting up to any mischief.

To be honest, I don't want to go. I trust him implicitly, and I find it weird that he finds it weird that I don't want to go.

Any thoughts?




  1. No let him do his thing, you trust him and thats a big thing there that he should see. You go out with your friends too, hey your a bachlorette!

  2. good thing you trust him because you are marrying him!!! i would just go do your thing and let him have fun with the guys. maybe his asking you to be there is his way of showing you he isn't up to no good.

  3. Go out with your friends do not go to his bachelor party or ask about what happend. Maybe offer to pick him up after and bring him home for a real strip show!  He is just trying to be nice and hopes you dont come!

    Remind him you TRUST him and also remind him if hes stupid the wedding is off and well your gone as well!

  4. i think its nice he invited you but i would just tell him this is his night to have a good time with out you that you trust him to look but not touch LOL and that im sure you will find something enjoyable to do i have to say its refreshing to find someone else who is trusting of their man in this situation i get all sorts of flake for being ok when my husband looks at apretty women or whatever im like i know hes not going anywhere and we can mutauly look but not touch thats our motto LOL so i think you should make other plans maybe get together with the girls do something fun and enjoy the night and congratulations!

  5. Well as long as you have a honest relationship and you two trust one another, let him have his fun. I believe everyone deserves to have some kind of fun as long as you do it in a respectful manner. I trust my husband and he trust me both of us went and saw strippers and we did it with respect for one another. We also went  together and boy did we had fun one of his friends said he wish that his wife was cool like me, we have fun together because we enjoy each others company.
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