
Back To School?Any tips?

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Ok,so school for me starts on monday,and I go to bed at 9:30,and fall asleep at 11:30,so i have to wake up at 5:45, and I've been trying to wake up earlier and i wake up and go back to sleep 3 minutes later!HAVE ANY TIPS?And also how do you recomend to stay organized?




  1. put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off!

  2. Don't worry... when u r tiered ..u will go to bed automatically & sleep fast. The more deep u slumber the more u can wake up bright. So it will be just fine after u start a hard day at school.

  3. well the way i wake up is i found this alarm clock that sounds like a fire alarm so in order to not wake anybody up i have to run and stop it so I'm awake or you put a normal one all the way across the room so you have to walk in order to get to it so also by then your awake.  

  4. First, why does it take you 2 hours to fall asleep?  You need more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep.  My son sets two alarm clocks.  One by his bed and then he has one across the room that he has to get out of bed to turn off.  The second one goes off 15 minutes after the one by his bed.  It works for him.

  5. I'm like you...I just fall back asleep too. To get myself up, I just roll out of bed...literally and kind of force it upon myself to get up...that's it for me

    And about staying organized...I have that problem locker looks like c**p by the time schools over, and someone thought a goat would pop out of it!! =/....this year, I'm getting a binder...and smaller tablets,,,so...Hope i helped!! =)...good luck in school

  6. You should stay organized. Have your clothes laid out the night before on a table or something (the 'rents put me and my bro's air hockey table in my room, so I have all the space I need xD). Put all of your supplies in your bookbag, everything where it will be. Make sure, if you have extra packs of notebook paper, make sure that it ISN'T OPEN. x_x

    Fall asleep earlier the night before. Make sure you get enough sleep, because the first day is when you have to listen to the teacher(s) (depending on your grade) the most.

    Good luck.

  7. I would set a nighttime routine. 30 minutes before you go to bed, read a book, write in a journal, etc. Anything that calms you down. I love pressing the snooze button i figured out a way that would make me get out of bed! My alarm clock sits across the room. Therefore, when I wake up, I have to get out of bed to turn it off. As far as staying organized.... I would keep a planner and write all of your assignments  in it. Keep to a schedule when you get home. Also, I've learned from experience, get your homework down first! Procrastination is the worst habit to get into. Hope this helps!

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