
Back pain worse than labour. Help!?

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Just wondering if any of you have experienced this. Thanks

Since giving birth a month ago the right side of my lower back has been extremely sore, i have been putting up with it but in the last 3 days it has been much worse, yesterday i couldn't move at all, it was worse than being in labour! I had to slide along the floor on my bum to get to bed because i couldn't put any pressure on my back.

I have also been getting sharp needle prick pains in my lower shoulder/neck area on the right side when i turn my neck a certain way or when i hold my right arm a certain way. So pretty much the whole right side of my back is fu*ked!

Will go and see my doctor when i can afford it, just wondering if anyone can help me until then. I have been taking painkillers and using a hot water bottle and a cream for sore muscles. Not too sure what else to do




  1. Hey, I went through the SAME exact problem!  I couldn't walk or even get up by myself to go to the bathroom.  Thank goodness I live with my in-laws.  I live in Korea, so it's really cheap to go to the doctor.  

    They took me to what would be the equivalent to a chiropractor.  They did x-rays and everything.  In the end, the doctor said that it was just too much stress from having the baby and then constantly caring for her.  

    He told me that I should try not to carry her so much.  Also, when lying down, lie with a pillow under your knees if on your back or between your knees if on your side.  When going up stairs, walk with your feet flat on the steps, not on your toes.  Don't wear heels.  Use a hot pack or hot shower for your back as needed, but don't soak in a tub.   Hm....I think that was all the advice he gave me.  It helped a bunch!  That and lots of icy-hot type of bandages on my back.  

    Hope this helps!  Good luck!

    Oh, plus I was breast feeding so he said no pain killers at all...Bad for baby....

  2. You most likely have a pinched nerve in your back. When you are pregnant the muscles in your back slacken to accommodate for the extra weight this is caused by the hormone changes. After you give birth and you hormone levels begin to return to normal you back muscles also tighten up and when this happens you can end up with a pinched nerve. It does heal in a couple of weeks. Need bed rest and no lifting of anything. Doc will probably prescribe an anti inflammatory; a muscle relaxant and pain relief.  

  3. well as a certified massage therapist I can tell you that you need a good massage. It sounds like you probibly have very tight muscles that are impinging a nerve and a good massage will help a lot. Trust me! And yes I had my baby two months ago and my back still hurts a lot.

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