
Backpack for high school.

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ok so i used to use a backpack for school in junior high, but i realized that they are ruining my posture (my neck is always way far forward) plus i like the feel of messenger totes better.

however, i'm gonna be a freshman this year and some of my classes have homework every night (spanish, algebra 2, etc).

is there a kind of messenger tote that could fit a lot of books in it, and possibly a side pocket for a water bottle or a small lunch.

and i'm kind of in a budget for anything under $50.

or is there any backpacks that don't pull your shoulders back so much

and is small enough to fit into a thin locker, but still carry my books.




  1. a messenger bag is gonna s***w your back up WAYY more because the weight isn't evenly distributed but if you insist...

    I don't know like what your style is but I love vera bradly bags for school. they have a messenger but even just the totes work well

    also if you consider a backpack jansport ones are usually thinner and more comfy. I work at pacsun and we have sum pretty cool backpacks and a few messenger bags so check out the website.

  2. Great Backpacks are Jansport and Northface.



    Theres more designs to these backpacks though.

    That was just the ismple colored ones.

    Many people use these backpacks.


    You can look at them on the north face website.

    But, they are over 90 dollars, but those backpacks work well.

    When you stuff many books in there, it looks like you put only 1 book in there. So its pretty good.

    Tote bags, are great too. But your shoulder can start to ache.

    Here are great ones that i like:



    More Xhiliration Tote Bags-

    Here are some good tote bags too, but they have characters on them, but it looks pretty cute:




  3. if your gonna use a backpack dont have to straps so loose  so that your backpack hangs low cus thatll hurt your back. i uses a tote bag that you can get at american eagle or abercrombie or pink victoria secret and they are all in your budget. i use them all the time and i love them and i can carry alot of books in them.

  4. I Hate totes its wannabe girly conceided...........

    ]get a jansport with hearts or flowers or something

  5. This is what i've always used!:)

    I'm going to be a Sophmore, and Freshman year, it saved my life!!!

  6. jansport son best ever had mine for like 10 years

  7. ima freshman too n im using like a back pack bag like on freaky friday

  8. Get a backpack with straps similar to a laptop backpack, with stiff very sturdy straps.  Then adjust the straps to fit to your form where its easy to slip on, but the weight doesn't just rest on your shoulders, but your back as well to proportion the weight onto more than just your shoulders.

    Or, you could get one of those rolling backpacks to use when going to and from school and keep a messenger bag in your locker for classes changes. and carrying during the school day.

  9. i like a regular backpack better because you can put all your books and stuff in there...i think that every backpack will hurt your back if u have it loaded with books.

  10. i dont mean to sound nasty or whatever, but messenger bags are considered really dorky. by pretty much everyone. i would consider getting a backpack

    i love jansport backpacks. you can find ones with like this padding stuff in them. i am sure there is a website where you can find everything.

    also if you have a locker, you can leave things in there between classes and only have a heavy backpack to and from school

  11. Cool...I am starting my Freshman year this year too :) kinda nervous lol.

    I perfer bookbags, though they have screwed up my back too. I love LLBean, they have some nice tote/messanger back so here they are :)

    Some are shoulder bags but there are some messenger ones on the list too :) try Jansport also...they have cool designs...I am just not sure on how comfy they are. I know LLBean strives for comfort so yea...

    My LLBean bookbag was the best one as for comfort. My school was stupid and made all honors kids (including me) carry books around o.O but the regulars only ad notebooks!! Ugh..of course mess up "the future's" backs but let the stupid ones have nice backs lol j/k


  12. You'll have to shop around, check ebay, you'll probably find something good on there. I used to have messenger backpacks and I had tons of books to put in them, they eventually started hurting and weighing down my shoulder. Some of them have extra padding in the strap part that is on your shoulder, so look for that. :3

  13. Get Jansport the one that only has 2 zippers, nice and small !

  14. There are hella messenger bags available to buy under $50, but I think you should use your locker! I used mine everyday in HS and I still will continue the use of my locker until I leave HS.  

  15. Actually, messenger bags are worse for your body because you are straining that one shoulder by putting all of that weight on it. Your back is sturdier, and using a regular two-strap backpack is better. The reason a two-strap might be ruining your posture is because it is sitting too low. If a backpack is sitting too low it will pull back on both of your shoulders and, subsequently, it pulls your back as well. Simply adjust the straps so that the backpack sits snugly against the middle of your back (just above your buttocks) so that the backpack does not have the leeway to pull back. Not only will the backpack not ruin your posture and harm your back, but your stuff will be easier to carry. If you have alot of stuff there are alot of expandable bags. If your still worried your back will hurt, carry a textbook or two. Good luck! : )

  16. west49 has great backpacks in all kinds of styles for good money and they last a long time.

  17. Overloaded backpacks are bad for your posture... but messenger bags are 10 times worse, because they put all the weight on one side.  Try one of those backpacks with the suitcase wheels and tag-a-long handle on them.  

  18. I used the Vera Bradley Tote when i was a freshman and sophomore. It worked pretty good. And they have many pockets on the outside and inside.  

  19. heres a website that i use to get backpacks for school they have tons of backpacks for a low price and they have a lot of messenger bags that are cute

  20. totes mess ur shoulders up even more so i would get a backpack and instead of shoving everything into it, carry some of the heavier books

  21. I just used a tote bag.  It was much easier and more room for everything I had to carry.  It was a lot easier on my back too especially because I wasn't allowed to carry more than 15 pounds which  most of the time though out high school my backpack was WAY more than that.  Try walmart..they're cheap and they last.  A lot of people are saying to use your locker, I disagree with that.  I NEVER had time to get to my locker.  With my school the classes would rotate.  We only had 6 periods in a day but had 7 on our schedule.  So the night before I'd figure out what classes I had and whatever I didn't need I'd leave at home.

  22. Well, I don't even use one, that helps posture alot

  23. thats why i started using a messenger bag and i'm sure you can find out big enough start surfing the web for bags for school

  24. Put your backpack in your locker with your books. and when school is over whatever you need to take home then put those books in your backpack...

  25. just buy a tote bag and hold you books in your locker.usually i never really carry anything in my bag except papers or whatever book i need for that its really never heavy.

  26. go to target i got my back pack there  i am going to be a freshman 2  

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