
Backpacking across europe?

by  |  earlier

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allrite, i want to go backpacking across europe for a year. while on my travels im not wanting to stay in hotels very often, im wanting to be more camping out and on my own most of the time. im going in winter and sayingf till next winter, but what i want to wear is a long coat, a coat as longg as a trench coat and with tons of pockets. like at least fifteen pockets. what kind of coat should i buy? it needs to be warm and long, and have loads of pockets. themore pockets i have, the more important things i can carry. where can i get a coat like this, and what would a coat like this be called?




  1. Well Alex, I think you need to plan this according to the entire vacation not just the winter, backbacking is better as you mentioned you want to do. It is great becasue you can load and unload/dry/adjust/reorg. A coat although important and see the importance of the pockets is just one of the things'

    There are great web site for this. Sweating is a huge issue. YOU don't want want to ! so be sure what ever you get is a breathable item. I can not express enough to go on to a hiker/ mountain web site. These people do this and know how to weather the weather.

    The rest will be tid bits here and there but staying alive should really come from the people who know how to do it in all extemes.

    Have a GREAT TIME >> I WISH it were me !

  2. Ya know, if you try to get on the trains in that coat, you'll probably be arrested on suspicion of being a terrorist.

    and, you're not going to want to be sleeping out in the open, all alone, during the winter, son.  Cause, you know, they have winter in Europe, too.  Same time as the US, which is where I assume you are from.

    You need to reassess your plans before you get them too entrenched in your mind.

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