
Bad Dancer! Please help!!!!!!

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I'm in 8th grade, and boys are starting to like me. A few have asked me to the school dance, but I said no because I told my friends I was already going with them. This year I want to say yes, but I'm afraid I won't know what to do or say with them! Also, I'm worried about dancing. I'm not a very good dancer, so I guess I'll just wiggle my hips and copy other people. The main thing I'm worried about is the snowballs. Last year, when I saw people slow dance they were basically hugging and stuff. I don't really wanna hug the person. How do I slow dance? Do I put my hands on their shoulders? Or what? Do I just sway back and forth? Look them in the eye? Do I dance the whole song?

Please answer these questions please!

I'll give 10 points to the best, mop stdetailed answer!

Thanks :)




  1. i see your problem in in 7th grade but i know ho to dance. yes you put your hands on their shoulders. you dance the whole song. the boy is always the lead so just follow him. try to make eye contact. i recommend using you tube to walk you threw it.

  2. First, you shouldn't be too worried, because there's almost nobody at your age who knows much more about it than you do, so you're all in the same boat. Some of them just fake it better, that's all.

    Some of the kids do use the dance as an excuse for making out on the dance floor, or at least coming close to it, but that's not the rule. Most of them look like they're hugging because they're like you: they don't know the proper hold, so they're watching each other and trying to make it up as they go along. There might be one or two couples who actually know what they're doing but are using a variation of the normal hold on purpose, but I'd bet against it.

    I'm going to give you the best hold for social slow dance, and you probably won't like it, but feel free to do more like the other kids are doing. Have you seen ballroom dancers, perhaps on "Dancing With the Stars" on TV? The man's right hand is just under the lady's left shoulder blade, and her left hand rests gently on his upper arm. His left and her right hand are held together to the side at about her eye level. This puts them a little offset, each standing slightly to the left of the partner, so it's a good, practical idea. In social dancing the hold should be in about the same place, but not so stiff or wide, since room will be at a premium. The other difference between social and ballroom posture is that they're very upright, and the lady's head is back and usually to the left a bit. That helps in the dramatic turns of ballroom, and isn't needed in social dancing, where you'll mostly be shuffling in place. The more compact hold, if you want it so, can be close enough to let you slip your left hand up from his arm to above his shoulder, if you'd like, but how close you want it is decided by the ladies, so you're in control on that one. It's a generally recognized rule, but the boys may not be aware of it. Likewise, the hold with your right hand in his left can be modified, but I'd suggest you keep that part, as it has its practical uses, plus some of the boys, being boys, are better off if they have one less hand for mischief.

    Again borrowing from ballroom, those dancers look over each others' left shoulders. There's better balance for their particular patterns that way, and they move around the floor, so each can watch the other's back to avoid crashing into other couples. That's perfectly appropriate in social dancing if you want, but since you won't be travelling, if you want to look in his eyes, go right ahead.

    Your job as part of a partnership in dance is to follow the boy. What he does, you do the natural opposite. If he shifts his weight to his left foot, you shift yours to your right. You should be able to feel it and do that without any problem. Since most of the boys won't know what to do, either, you probably will just shift your weight back and forth from one foot to the other, but he could step forward or back, or take a fairly wide step to the side, and your job would be to go with him.

  3. put your hands around their neck, holding your own hands behind his neck. he will put his hands on your hips, and then move in a square. usually boys just take small steps, so follow them. if you get more comfortable, you can move closer  to him.

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