
Bad breath please help??

by Guest56683  |  earlier

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I have bad breath.

I noticed it when I was going by bus and a lady "10meters" away from me telled me to brush my teeth

I was wondering why nobody stay near me :((

I think is cause of tongue or stomach.

Of stomach cause I don't use my mouth to speak or something I just breath and the breath stinks

And cause of tongue cause my tongue is white!!

When I talked like 5 min my tongue becomes extremly white

Even though I scarp my tongue each day 2 times the white thing goes of and in 30 min like is back :((

Also I like to add if I get my tongue out it's like an oddor come from it I can feel it

I brush my teeth 3 times a day for like 2-3 min

I scrapp tongue

I don't floss(but I don't think is cause of this cause I suffer from this thing from 10 mounths ago)

Also don't know why but tic tac/sugar free chewing gum makes my breath worse

I need some working home remedis!!And Please don't give me the "Go to dentist" answer better not answer nothing then answer that!!




  1. Mouthwash . . . i recomend listerine. You can also try using a water pick.

    good luck . . . =)

  2. Ok here's some advice:

    Brush your teeth. Rinse alcohol-free mouthwash twice a day. floce once a day.

    it should work.

    in between meals chew mint gum

  3. You need to floss your teeth because in the middle of the teeth remain some residues of  food each time you eat.Then those residues got rotted.Then cames the bad breath.Also you maybe need to change the toothpaste,one of better quality.But sometimes bad breath comes because some ill in the liver.You should visit a doctor.He can do some test to find out the cause of this problem.

  4. Gargle a cup of lukewarm water mixed with salt or half a lemon juice.This is  best done before going to bed. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. Put a few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush top it with toothpaste, and then brush your teeth.  More useful remedies at

  5. Hello...let me make your day...I beg you...:"DO NOT GO TO A DENTIST" no need to first go to an "Internist MD" and if that doesn't provide the answer, your next stop should be an ENT..Ear,Nose & Throat MD because if it's not intestional it may very well be a sinus issue....if that doesn't provide the answer, then and only then do I recommend you see a Dentist...Good luck and I wish you well.

  6. you could have chronic halitosis, or bascially really bad breath. most of this odor oringinates from oral bacterium, which breaks down food particles left in the mouth,. when in larger qualities, multiplying rapidly due to an abundance or lingering food (particularly protein), these bacteria release sulfur-producing smells ranging from rotten eggs, f***s, corpses, decaying meat to sweaty feet. other foods such as onions, garlic, coffee cause foul breath and linger in the body for up to seventy-two hours after ingestion. these foods odors rise from the stomach and fill the lungs with a combination of gastric juices and partially digested foods. garlic is so potent that it can be detected in your breath three days after rubbing it on your skin. ninety percent of bad breath can curtailed with good oral hygiene: brushing three to five times a day  and flossing will remove protein particles, eliminating  the favored food supply of sulfur-emitting mouth bacteria, the other 10 percent of noxious fumes may be occuring due to stomach ulcers, the onset of kideny failure , or liver disease. low-carb dieters who eat a lot of protein and develope  serious halitosis are being warned by their bodies that organ damage is occuring. doctors specializing in the romantic field of halitosis spent an inordinate amount of time smelling and testing foul mouths to isolate a major cause of bad breath: an infection caused by heliocobacter pylori. this is a bacterium that cannot by popping breath mins  and could be spread to others by oral to oral transfer, this form of halitosis, is a cancer-causing agent and can lead to gastroduodenal diseases, lymphoid tissue disease, and stomach cancer. with this, bad breath doe not originate in the mouth, but rises from the stomach.

    i hope this helped you in a way, knowing your condition......but i dont think you can really do anything for it.........=[

  7. drink water, a dry mouth is a condition called xerostomia cause bad breath. can be caused by the side effects of some medications, salivary gland problems, or continuous breathing through the mouth.

    illnesses may cause bad breath. Here are some to be aware of: respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis, chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, liver or kidney problems

    some food can cause bad breath

    and use fluoride toothpaste

    good luck

  8. eliminate bad breath by controlling bad bacteria in the mouth is important as well as to regain self-confidence and never to become embarrassed about your breath again.

    bad breath is caused by dirty mouth. that is why it always vital to keep breath as fresh as always using all natural oral care product that have no alcohol content. use all natural oral care that contains only essential oils that can help fight the cause of bad breath. since bad breath may also be triggered by the foods you eat; simply cut down the foods that can make bad breath problems like garlicky meals.

    proper brushing and flossing is a good way to keep breath smell fresh. visit for more bad breath care tips

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