
Bad dreams? EVERY night??

by  |  earlier

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OK, heres the thing, I've been having bad dreams for the past about month? They started while I was at my Grandmas house. And ever since I've gotten home, they WON'T stop! Its so annoying. And I'll wake up looking around my room, making sure everything's still here and I'm fine. Please just help me make this stop!! I've tried everything, from thinking about happy stuff before falling asleep, to falling asleep with music playing, I just don't know what's causing this. :(




  1. Light a candle... Put a glass of water next to your bed... Trust me... if its what i think it is, it should work. If not, its probably jus a coincidence...

  2. try if you are an adult, if you are a kid, and check for dream interpretation.

  3. Maybe your suppressing something? I would try to figure out whats going in inside your head before you fall asleep. Usually it has to do with a supressed fear that yoiu have.. So what are you afraid of?? Try to identify and work throught it..

  4. yeah what your freind said was right but i want to warren you from something don't and never ever eat before you sleep at least keep from 3-r hours before you eat and specially no eggs at night okay try to keep in mind..

  5. You sound a lot like Bella Swan, from Twilight.

  6. Pray before you sleep and ask God to give you dreams that won't be so upsetting.

    However, these dreams most likely have a message in them for you, so it would be good to find out what they mean.

    You might want to post them on here, with all the details and let us see what we can make of them.

    God bless you,


  7. In addition to what other here have said:

    Do not eat anything for four hours before you sleep (so if you sleep at 11 p.m., do the math).  However, you may drink water (flavored or unflavored), cold or at room temperature.

    Do not watch any television programs or DVDs or videos  or play any computer games for two hours before your sleep time.

    And here is what you might want to do:  (1) Meditate for 15 minutes to a half-hour. This is not religious meditating.  Just go to a happy place by visualizing places, people, or things that make you happy, or just by visualizing a color that makes you content, etc.  No mantras or humming is necessary to meditate.  (2) If you have a pet, pet it during the hour before you go to sleep.  If your pet is not the kind you can caress, then watch it (say, if it is fish), or softly speak to it (if it is a bird, hamster, lizard, ferret, or, yes, a dog or cat, puppy or kitten).  (3)  Listen to music for one to three hours before your sleep time, but try to find soothing music without lyrics. Lyrics are OK if they are positive; remember, you are aiming for a positive sleep time.  So why not try listening to music that falls outside your comfort zone?  If you have never listened to jazz, or think you dislike it, try it out.  If you think New Age is for old farts, or jazz for that matter, give your brain a new spark and try it out.  When I was having a bad time sleepwise, I tried softly playing salsa music, and it did wonders!  (4) Take a long bath (but no more than an hour or your fingers and toes will start to wrinkle).  The water should start out as hot as you can stand it.  Experiment with a fragrance that you have never tried before.  It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman.  Both sexes enjoy fragrant baths; men may not own up to that in public.  I enjoy Kiss My Face bath/shower gel.  It contains therapeutic florals.  You also can experiment with aromatic oils.  Peppermint soap can work wonders, but watch out for the intimate sting, if you know what I mean.  So put on that sleep mask, light the tealight candles (they are safe; just blow them out after your bath), grab that loofah and scrub away the tension and anxiety.  (5)  Work out.  This does not mean spending an arm and a leg at a gym.  Just doing jumping jacks and stretches in your bedroom, basement, etc., is totally fine.  (6) Decrease the amount of fatty foods (you DO need essential fats, but omit a lot of fried foods) in your diet, and increase the amount of foods rich in calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E and vitamin K (any search engine can bring you to lists of foods rich in these vitamins and other nutrients).  If you are a woman (of any age), get your folic acid by drinking at least 8 ounces of orange juice per day.  If you eat a balanced diet (and, here, I am not referring to dieting), then taking FDA-approved multivitamins makes good sense.  Look for folic acid and the aforementioned vitamins and minerals on the bottle. (7)  Begin writing in a journal, setting aside no less than a half-hour at night.  But make sure you go to bed within a half-hour of finishing your entry.  Then have a glass or cup of water and you will have unbelievable relaxation coursing through your body.

  8. did something happen at your grandmas house when you were either there or a long time ago???if so then you mind may be sending you signals of nightmares because of what happened....or maybe you are kind of scared of your grandmas house because it is old or somethings scares you about it and your mind is portraying that fear as dreams...hope i helped...

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