
Bad haircut........?

by  |  earlier

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I got my hair cut today, and I think the hairdresser cut my hair too short what do you think? Have you ever had a bad haircut?






  1. You look lovely in pic number 3 you look like her out of the adams family in the others.

  2. You don't look that much different.  But you certainly don't look worse.  Yeah, you look great.

  3. We've all had bad haircuts.  Bottom line, if you aren't happy with the cut, always tell the stylist that the cut you got is not what you had in mind.  It is their job to make sure you leave happy.

    However, a GOOD stylist is going to look at any pictures you take in and tell you point blank if your hair is going to suit the cut you have in mind.  Most are just going to do the smiling head bobble and say sure we can do that!  But a good stylist will tell you yes or no.

  4. it looks waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than it did before

  5. i really like your hair shorter :D and yeah i have had many bad haircuts. i dont like my stylist. i gave her a picture of side bangs that i wanted and when she finished it looked nothing like the picture. then i tried cutting them myself which looked horrible and i was so mad. and then i switched my part to another side and now i love them so much (:

  6. Wow honey, u look Trust me that haircut really suits u sweetie. Before ur hair, if u dont mind me saying was a lil bit dull but wow, ur hair has seriously changed ur whole head and now u r sooooo pretty. I especially like the first (after) picture. Go girl, xx

  7. watev you want as long as you arent as hot as one gets up there...LOL OMG I AM JUST KIDDING! but it is will grow out and you can go somewhere else. its not horrible or anything...but its better than you had before. more neat and stuff.

  8. Your hair looks fine, i'm sporting a bad haircut right now and if you think yours is bad you'd probably pass out in shock at mine.

  9. it looks fantastic to mee its not that short its not that long but like and yeah my hair is shorter then yours any way so yeah not cut it again wait never mind i pictured you with it and it looks cute  awesome

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