
Bad scary dreams help?

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ok odd but just go along with it at first when i was two my mom and dad got divorce went with my dad at the age of 21 i went to go see my mom and her fam when i got there i seen a guy(ronnie} that i seen a few times befor this was the son of my moms first cuisine's tammy (never knew her befor in my life) so 3 months go bye and i have this dream that im on the side of a road and a line of black cars are going bye one stops in front of me opens the door and its ronnie playing a sad song with hes guitar (i knew that tammy died) 3 or 4 days later she went in the hospital for some kind of lung disiase and died 3 days after that but what was more scary was that every one i told did not belive me....why did i have a dream about a woman i didint realy even know and no one else in the fam hade it...?




  1. Well first i will say that i can totally feel for you and im sorry it happened so early in your life =(

    Anyway i guess ill get back to your dream. We all have dreams that mean nothing, like i had a dream i, married this random guy on the street and we had 2 kids...obviously that never happened. But if your case i think you are just so terrified about the whole divorce and everything else that had gone on in ur life that your thinking about it every night with causes these nightmares.

    i hope i helped and GL with everything, divorce hurts i know personally.

  2. I think you formed a bond with Ronnie - some one who was close to your age - while you were around virtual strangers . . .you could be an empath . . .one who feels the emotions of others . . .Ronnie's mom could have been suffering from this lung disease and Ronnie could have been secretly worried about her. . .the night you had the dream of her funeral  you could have been picking up on Ronnie's feelings again . . .which is why it was him that opened the car door for you . . .it was his way of sharing his sorrow. . . .Don't be afraid of it. . .it's a special gift that few people have. . .you should read up on your gift so you are less afraid of it . . . .
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