
Baker vs. active decks easy points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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okay so im a girll just started skating but dont know pretty much anything about skatingg. i practiced with my brothers active board but he got mad and said "i payed 150 dollars for that, go buy your own!" i sware hes had it for over 5 months and hes only used it like 5 times. he cant even skate rightt or ollie. i just learned how to ollie and ive gotten it up to about 1 foot, and I ordered a board of my own "its baker". my brother and I were wondering which ones better for ollieing and which one goes faster....baker or active?? also any tips for a 13 year old wannabe skater. oh and i sware im not lying i learned an ollie on my second day of practice =)




  1. Baker is a much better board...the actual skateboard though is where it matters...

    To go faster, you'll need better bearings. Bones Reds are amazing bearings, and even better are Bones Swiss.

    Your next trick should be a shove it or pop-shove it. They're easy to learn. I think the most important thing for you to know is that not all tricks come that quickly. You might have learned an ollie really quickly, but you should know some things are really hard for some people. If a trick takes you a month to learn, don't get frustrated and quit because the moment you actually get it, you'll be so happy.

    Good Luck! Steal your brother's skateboard PLEASE...he doesn't deserve an $150 board if he isn't going to use it.

  2. baker is much better. and also a amazing skate team haha.

    the deck doesnt make a difference of how fast you go. its the trucks wheels and berrings. dont worry about getting really good trucks or anything till you get better.

    tips: if you fall just get right back up and dont quit. falling is the worst thing begginers go through that makes you want to quit.

    focus on ONE trick at a time until you get it on lock down.

    next trick you should work on is either you pop-shuv or your shuv (theyre easy) or your kick flip.(pop your board, take your front foot and slide it like your ollie except flick it off to your right(i skate regular)


  3. Baker is much better board than active. The speediness of a skate board doesn't rely on the deck but the trucks, wheels, and bearings primarily. The next trick you should learn are pop- shuvit, go to youtube they are good teachers.

    ps i think girl sk8ers are hot  

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