
Bakflip help !! :( x?

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Tutorials on youtube are soo rubbish they all dont help me !

I havent got the balls to do it.

I nearly broke my neck trying to do it at trampolining with a teacher helping me .. he gave up on me and called quits

Is a back hand spring easier ?

Not got any gymnastics near my house x

have broke my arm haha





  1. you need to practice going over into a bridge then kincking your legs over. then after a while you should be able to do a backflip! good luck

  2. A back hand spring is easier than an original backflip i would know because i can do both i strted with a hand spring then moved on to flip when you do a hand spring sit like you are on a toilet (really no joke !) then jump up and back at the same timeuse your hands as shock absorbers and you should have smooth sailing!!

    Good Luck

  3. Try doing back limber's first, cuz if you haven't got any expiereience, it's not gonna turn out that good. You need very very strong core muscles to get yourself over.

  4. I would say start on doing back walkovers and as you feel more comfortable then start kicking your legs back faster and faster (like sooner...first be slow and just go into a backbend and kick back slowly, then each time as you become comfortable try kicking back sooner and faster ). then the back handspring will be easier because you wont be as nervous about basically jumping your weight onto your arms. if this doesnt make sense sorry lol i know what im saying in my head. but i hope it helpss <33.
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