
Ballet: Allegro?

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I have been dancing ballet for 12 years. I talked to one of my instructors recently about how I can improve my dancing so that maybe I can get a really good role in the future. They said that I am a beautiful adagio dancer but that my allegro (quickness) needs some work. What can I do to improve the quickness of my dance steps so that they actually look half way decent?




  1. talk to your own body

  2. practice them more.

    also at the barre you can practice frappes, degaje and other quick movements to help you in the center and with you allegro

  3. The key is to remember you posture because when i watch seom of the girls @ my dance studio dance allegro they kid of forget/ don't use their posture, that is the key. Part of it coould be that you get tired very fast during allegro, you could improve this my jogging. You just really need to remember to breath, stretch or legs use your feet, don't jump to high, stay on the music, and you posture/form. Hope this helps.

  4. practice them A LOT. and when your trying to do a quick move, take small steps and keep your legs closer together so they don't have to travel all that much.

  5. Point your feet. And yes practice them at the barrre. Start with the small ones and work your way up to more beats and stuff like that. Your can even practice the small and quick jumps at the barre.
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