
Ballet Conditioning?

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Hey! I have two questions.

First question: I'm 15, and I want to start taking ballet classes in the fall. I used to do it, but that was a while ago. I've been thinking about it lately, and I really want to do it again. But is it too late to start?

Second Question: I'm kind of not in the best shape right now, but I REALLY want to start ballet. What can I do to condition myself and bring myself back into shape specifically for ballet? Stretches and exercises and such like that...

Third Question: What kind of diet should I be conditioning myself to? Like I said, I'm not overweight, but I'm not in the best shape, and I don't eat the best food. What kind of food should I be eating to get the most energy that's also good for me?

Thanks in advance who answers any one/all of my questions, and you're gonna be a BIG help.

Thanks in advance again!




  1. 1st answer: You didn't mention if you'd like to dance professionally or if you'd like to just start taking classes again because you like ballet. If you just like ballet, then I don't think its too late at all, you can restart at 18 or 25 or 32, etc. Whenever! But if you want to dance professionally, I still don't think its too late, only that, you'll have to work hard and be willing to be dedicated in order to catch yourself up to all of the demands of the dance world today.

    2nd answer: I always say there no better way to stay in shape for dance other than dancing. But in the meantime, btwn time, I strengthen my abs and make sure my ankles are strong (eleves/releves/ankle rolls). Dance is such a total body experience, that its good to just have some good cardio activities to get yourself back into moving around so much. So maybe the elliptical or jump roping would be good. And stretch wise, stretch your legs out (like your quads, hamstrings, and calves) and you can work on your splits too.

    3rd answer: Don't think of it as going on a diet, think of it as eating properly from now on. You said you don't eat the best food, well if you know its not good for you, then don't eat it. Obviously including vegetables and fruits and lean meats and fish and whole wheat breads would be highly beneficial. And I don't take them completely out of my eating habits, but its good to cut back on oily/greasy/fatty/junky foods. But thats also good just for your health in general.

    Good luck! And don't be overconcerned, I know people who are (no exaggeration) BEAUTIFUL ballet dancers and they don't have stick thin, or the smallest bodies. They're not overweight, they're just their natural healthy size, which always gives you the best results, its not healthy to be too small, nor is it healthy to be too big.

    Have fun!

  2. 1)  of course its not too late to start.   You might not become a famous ballet dancer, but you can still get good, especially if you have previous experience.    

    2)  felixbility -  start with the toes and go up.  

    Flex and point  your feet (with our without a theraband) working on stretching your heels and arches as much as possible.    

    Stretch your calves and achilles tendons with lunges.

    Splits front and side

    Lie on your back, bring one knee to your chest and straighten your leg as much as possible

    Butterfly stretch,  sit on the floor with the soles of your feet touching each other and push your knees down

    Bend over and touch your toes,  rolling through the back

    You might want to start taking walks or jogs for 30 minutes or so a couple times a week.  Lack of stamina can be a big factor too.

    3)  Eat healthier.   You know whats not healthy, so cut down on the junk.  :)  

    the best diet for dancers ( in my opinion) is

    lots of lean proteins (fish, chicken, soy)   lots of veggies,   lots of whole grains   a little bit of fruit, a  little bit of lowfat or nonfat dairy,  a little bit of good fats  

    watch your sodium intake carefully and drink tons of water.

  3. Well, first of all, if your fifteen that is not to late to start. You can be up to twenty for lessons and then after that, if you've been doing it for a while, you get into more advanced classes that do more work in getting you into performances that are in larger theaters.

    Second, If I were you, I would definitely would try to get into shape. Ballet is very hard work. So, everyday, I would do some simple stretches with legs and arms for ten to twenty seconds, depending on how flexible you are. Then, after awhile start stretching twice a day fro longer amounts to time, but don't push yourself to far! You don't want a strained muscle. Do crunches for abdominal strength. Do five everyday for a week. Then ten everyday for a week, then fifteen then twenty, so on... Push ups can always help but they aren't mandatory. Try lifting your legs when they are straight up and down every day, while laying on your back. Sorry if you don't get what I mean, its kind of hard to explain.

    Third, do NOT eat junk food!!!!!!!! Try to stick to fruits and vegetables. Eat some pasta and bread. Eat meat or eggs to build up muscle strength! That always helped me. I never eat junk food or desert but that's only because I am  really advanced in training and things like that, but you can snack on them once in awhile.

    Hope this helped!!!! :^)
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