
Band name problem????

by  |  earlier

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well i got a problem my band name is blackwood drift and on a nascar game you can drift in a place called blackwood do u think that illegal to take the name blackwood drift




  1. I don't think so, there's this band called "Tokio Hotel" and "Tokio Hotel" is an actual place, not very famous, i've been to it, and it's not a hotel..........hahaha

  2. if you thought of it on your own, then probably not. i mean who would steal a band name from a nascar game? inless u did... then oops!

  3. it might be,   on the game is it called "blackwood drift" if it is then its probably copyrighted.   or do you just drift into blackwood. You should somehow contact the game on their website or somehow and ask just to verify because if you use it illegally you can be sued for ALOT of money.

  4. no its not and if they try to sue you or something then they really need to get a life.  

  5. idk go with somthing else to be safe

  6. probably not...

    if it is...deny you got it from there!

  7. I own a patent, registered trademark name rights, and copyrights to products I own and this is what I know from fighting for name rights..

    Generally speaking, it is not illegal to own and use a name that is the same as another name used in a different industry, even if their name is registered as a trademark. You don't "copyright" names, you trademark them. So, as long as you don't have another band or music company with the name within the same industry you should be okay.

    For example, my product and my company are called EZ KEY, which is a registered trademark name I own. I had to fight another company for the rights because EZ KEY used to be owned by another music company and they cancelled it years before I owned it. I own it now but neither of us could have the same name in the same industry. However, there are a number of companies named EZ KEY because they are in different industries. If another music company used my name at this point to earn money I have legal rights to all the profits they receive from using it from the time I was granted ownership until now and in the future.

    However, the band Metallica successfully sued a furniture company called Metallika years ago and won. So, you do have to be careful, the odd are minimal in this case.

  8. nah i wouldn't think so.

  9. No, if someone asks you how you came up with that name you have a pretty good reason.

  10. hmm i dont think so only unless the place was called BLACKWOOD DRIFT  

  11. No.

    You're okay.

    No lawsuit will be forthcoming.

  12. No it is definitely legal because it can mean anything. blackwood driftwood is a freakin cool and awsome name btw. It is not against the law. And with thatname I will remember it id you become famous in the future.

  13. u name ur band watever u want but if u get signed the company might ask u 2 change the name

  14. Unless the name of that place in the nascar game is copyrighted, no you can't. I'm sure Blackwood is a real place somewhere, so I would say no.

    It's a cool name by the way. =]
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