
Band students: Is marching band fun?

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I'm thinking about joining the marching band next year in high school but I need whereabouts on what you think of it. Thanks.




  1. it is such an amazing experience!

    it has it's fun moments, but preparing for shows & competitions is very stressful.

    being in marching band, or really any kind of activity, sport, etc, takes ALOT of dedication.

    you barely have any free time. BUT, i wouldn't trade band for anything in the world.

    you make some many friends, and it is so amazing to see the end result of band season, like, how you've grown as a person, and as a band.

    because when you start out, it'll look awful! but by the end of the season, you'll surely be amazing.

    i really think you should give it a try.

    maybe it's for you, maybe it's not.

    you'll just have to see!

    goodluck sweetie.


  2. I love marching band! Iplayed the saxophone back in my highschool days and I love actually performing outside and moving instead of just sitting on my **** playing while crunched up in some room.Good luck!

  3. It's very time consuming, but at the same time you do get exercise and the satisfaction of making music with a big group of people. You gotta practice and show up to rehearsal.

    You do make a lot of friends and get taught some good life lessons even if you don't realize it (ie. hard work, for one).

  4. It's fun if you're into that kind of stuff.

    You make a lot of friends and you get to do something you love: make music.

    I recommend it only if you're interested in playing an instrument, and if you're going to be dedicated.  It does take a lot of dedication and practice.

  5. Marching band is the BEST thing that has happened to me! Not only have I made tons of friends, but I have become a much much better instrumentalist.

    Keep in mind though there's a lot of work put into being in band proper.

    Depending on how good you are, you may need to practice your marching in your free time to become better. (Trust me, I'm horrible at slides (marching sideways))

    You have to set time aside to memorize music and drill.

    You have to give up Friday nights and some Saturdays (depending if your band competes)

    But in the end, getting first place somewhere, or even just listening to the crowd cheer after you perform is the BEST feeling in the world! And you will get sooo much out of being in the marching band.

  6. Yes!! It's very strenuous though, so you need to be aware of that... but the friendships are lasting, and it can be a lot of fun.

  7. Band isn't fun.  I mean, who really likes spending time with friends, learning, and practicing to put on a spectacular performance that leaves people speechless?  Oh and it gives you life skills that will help you as an adult way more than algebra and biology.  Wheres the fun in that? lol

  8. Yes,  I was in marching band for 4 years then graduated.  It was some of the best times of my life.  Getting to go to all the football games, compations, hosting compations,  going on trips, band camp, also getting to meet new people.  This is probable the best thing you could ever join in high school.  All the practices.  It may seem tough at first but its gets fun once you get over the tough patch

  9. Heck yeah.When I was in high school, I had a band leader similar to the one in the Drum line movie .It was a great experience .You will have to put out some hard work and be willing to take instructions .You might hate your drum major and your band leader from time to time but if you stick with it you, will be glad you did.If you want to know what marching band is like watch the movie Drum line .You will learn how to become a leader and you get into the football games for free.Good luck

  10. yeah, its great!!  the football games are awsome!

    lots of hard work is required, not much physically, but you have to mentally concentrate. it teaches you alot, and can teach disipline..   one of the best things about high school is marching season.. MUCH more fun than concert season!

  11. its sometimes fun but not when ur constantly gettin bosed around by the upper class kids then that kinda takes the fun out of it. (my experience) i was in marching band 1 and a half years.

  12. alrighty yeah it's fun. nothing beats that feeling after a performance where u think everything went perfectly. my fresh yr we competed in the rain BEST VISUAL EFFECT EVER! haha. we've been to hawaii and we're going to new york. u'll create memories that'll last a lifetime and free admission to football games and we get into basketball games too is not a bad deal. but only join if ur serious cuz if not u'll have a lot of angry band nerds. enjoy it and just try it out.

  13. It was the best move I ever made!

    You need to love your instrament and love playing it for hours at a time. You need to be in good shape.

    But the hardest part was telling my freinds because they thought it was for geeks but If they dont like it then there not really your freinds. Plus youll meet many more in band.

  14. Do It.

    There is difference between being a musician and a show off.

    Who do you love ?

  15. yes yes yes !

    join the marching band.

    it's fun and you meet loads of new people.

    the field shows are great.

    it may be really tiring ( sore arms and legs ) when you start but you'll get used to it.

    i convinced my friends to join and they love it.

  16. alrighty, let me tell ya. [:

    my 8th grade year, i was completely set on the idea that i was NOT doing marching band. i went to this summer music camp that i go to every single year, and somehow the councilers convinced me to join the marching band. just for my freshman year and then i could decide if i was gonna continue with it or not.

    so band camp came around and i was dreading it!

    turns out. marching band is my life now.

    marching band is excellent for you. my band is basically my second family, i love my band more than anything. its a great experience and i wouldnt change anything about it. theyve helped me through a lot of things. band also helps you stay out of trouble, tons of my friends have changed and gotten envolved with the wrong people, but with band, ive been settled and i havent made any truely bad decisions. plus, you might meet someone special. i did. and we've been dating for almost 2 years now.

    sure there are some tough times and times where you just wanna quit! but wheres the fun in winning competitions if you dont put some hard work into it? [:

    id say go for it. it was the best decision i ever made.

  17. haha from what ive heard from my friends, its not if you have bobby scott lol

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