
Bar Exam Application?

by  |  earlier

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I researched and decided the answer to this question several months ago...but now I'm worrying...

I just mailed in my general application to take the July 2008 Florida Bar Exam (deadline met), but I have not completed my admission application yet. All I want to do is take the actual exam, not be admitted into practice. Is this a problem??

P.S. Not to be rude, but only serious answers please...I have been preping for the bar a few weeks now, tired, stressed, anxious, etc...

Thanks for your help!!!




  1. Bro. You will fail. don't worry. It took me 3 times. Apply for the patent bar - more pain as it is sooooo! much harder than any state bar. You will be fine in the end. I passed NY, CT and MD

    I thought NY was silly. Very easy. Don't know FL, Good Luck.

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