
Barack obama or mccain?

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me it has to be obama i dont want another bush in office




  1. For me it has to be CHANGE.

    Obama 08

  2. McCain/Palin

    PS: McCain is not Bush

  3. Even if a gun was held to my head, I would never vote for the Empty Suit Obama.

    McCain 2008

  4. OBAMA/BIDEN 2008 !!!

  5. Obama!

  6. obama for yo mamma

  7. Obama all the way!!!!

    Maccain is too old!!

  8. She voted to have creationism taught in schools. She has an ethics investigation with a mere two years in office, She is anti-abortion. She was voted Miss Congeniality… and 16 years ago she was serving on the Wasilla City Council, population 8,471. Yeah I can see how Hilary voters would jump right on board with that. She is TOTALLY qualified to run the country. Maybe she can have a bake sale to get rid of our 9.5 Trillion dollar deficit. This is about oil. Drilling in Alaska, It’s about distracting Republicans about the tolls of the War in Iraq and garnering support by focusing on hot button issues like abortion as opposed to getting out of Iraq and addressing the unemployment and mortgage crisis.


  9. Obama, definitely not mccain and the woman he picked, I mean she is in favor of removing polar bears off the extinction list so she can drill in alaska, she has no experience, and is being investigated by her own legislature for corruption. I say that pepaw needs to sit in a rocking chair on one of his many houses and chew on some werther's originals, take the pill popping stepford wife with him, and let change happen

  10. John McCain is not Bush.  Sarah Palin is certainly not Cheney.  Neither John McCain nor Sarah Palin have the arrogance Obama and Biden have

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