
Barcadi-yummy drink concotions.?

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i have an unopened bottle of barcadi just sitting in my fridge

do you no of any yummy drinks i can make up based on barcadi -but aren't to complicated -using only one or 2 other ingredients.?

and can you mix barcadi w/ like juice and soft drink like vodka.?






  1. mmmm bacardi and sprite. yummy =]

  2. barcadi with starwberry-kiwi powerade is good.

    also love it with dr pepper.

  3. Mai Tai

    30 ml  Bacardi, 30 ml Dark Rum, dash of Grenadine, lime juice, pineapple juice.

    Also can be made with Amaretto and Cointreau

    Or Envy

    equal parts of Bacardi, Amaretto, Blue Curacao. + Lime juice and Pineapple juice

  4. F*ck it, give it to me straight.

    but yes you can pretty much mix bacardi with anything you can mix vodka with... like that commercial, " bacardi..cola.. they get the job done!" lmfao

    edit: my personal fav is that light blue gatorade and bacardi.

  5. Yes you can just mix with juice / soft drink like vodka.

    I like it with apple and mango juice or with a bit of raspberry cordial with lemonade, but basically you can mix it with anything you like.

    For something a little more complicated but well worth it, I love to make daiquiris - Bacardi, sugar, ice and fruit (i like mango and strawberry - it tastes best with fresh fruit but still very nice with tinned / frozen fruit)

    You can also add a bit of strawberry liqueur to the strawberry ones which tastes quite nice but isnt really necessary.

    basically you just mix it all up in a blender

    simple recipe for 2 people

    80ml Bacardi (standard drink is 30ml so its just under 1.7 standard drinks)

    2 fresh mangoes (or equivalent -- 1 3/4 cups frozen berries, one small tin [approx 200g] fruit...

    1/3 cup white/castor sugar

    about 20 ice cubes or enough to make it slightly slushy.

    if there isn't enough liquid in the fruit, you might want to add a bit of juice or lemonade.

    Add all ingredients in a blender and blend until combined.

    absolutely delicious - and uses all common ingredients (except for maybe the juice).

  6. Bacardi and Coke.  It's a classic.

  7. You can do a Barcardi and pineapple, orange juice mix.  you can also add ice and blend it if you wanna.  They serve a similar drink in Jamaica.

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