
Barcelona Airport?

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So I'll be in the airport in Barcelona for 12 hours on Sunday from 930am-930 pm. Is it safe for me to leave and walk around barcelona during that time? What will I need to get back in? Any suggestions as to where to go? Is it safe to walk from the airport or should I take a train? I can speak spanish enough to get my point across, but my grammar kinda sucks.

Thanks for your help!




  1. get a taxi into bacelona, the airport is a bit out. most taxi drivers habla anglais. make sure you take in the cathedral. the most beautiful building you'll ever see and it's not complete yet. hasta luego.

  2. Yes it is safe but don't go far... pickpokets are terrible in Barcelona. I went there on a school trip last month and people would walk up to you and start hugging you... or so you thought when really they put their hands in your pockets really quick and before you know it your pennyless!

  3. just make sure you stay close to the airport and check up on your flight while you are gone

  4. lol say ay marica!!!!!

  5. The "Barcelona Airport" is on the other side of El Prat de Llobregat, on the opposite side of Barcelona. I guess you could walk safely, but you'd probably need all 12 hours to walk to Barcelona and then walk back - and you'd be totally sweaty and have to get back on your plane.

    You'll want to take a taxi to save time. But you could take the train or the Aerobus shuttle bus too.

    As to where to go, there are always topics here on "Answers" about this. One is currently running from today.

    And to clarify something, the Santa Eulalia Cathedral, a.k.a. "Barcelona Cathedral", is located next to the Gothic Quarter (web: ) and shouldn't be confused with the unfinished Sagrada Familia church (web: ).

    Also, most of the taxi drivers in Barcelona (and Madrid) do not speak any English although there currently some programs to help give taxi drivers basic English to help them - but they're reluctant to learn.

    Hope you can return to Barcelona someday to see it in more depth. I'm sure you'll fall in love with it.

    Saludos, BarcelonaMan(.com)
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