
Bareback riding.?

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i had a pony when i was only little and i rode her bareback most of the time she was fine and seemed to enjoy it more when i didnt use the saddle. then i got another horse which i have now. iv only had her since march so just started to try her bareback. she goes fine when i use the saddle and does anything i ask her to do however when i get on her bareback she goes mental she backs up and if i send her forwards she does a rear not a big one! i was told that all horses are different and some will like being ridden bareback and some wont. is this true and do you think my horse just hates being rode bareback or is she just trying it on? i dont think its me doing anythin wrong because i showed my riding instructer and he said my position ect is fine! thanks alot




  1. alright.. that horse is steppin all over you. she didn't think it was her top choice so shes just going to through a fit and get her way..... if she keeps acting up you just have to ease into it.. start riding in your saddle without stirrups.. and cue your horse without stirrups.. your feet/legs are more noticable now.. the horse cant feel those exact cues with a saddle.. you have to push harder... after you get your horse good with this take her out with just a saddle pad on.. use the same bridle you do when you ride western.. don't just put on a lead rope and tie it around.. to much of a big change never worked for my horse..  if she acts up with the saddle pad put her in circles and back her up. sit for awhile and then just slowly walk your horse.. no trot/lope/ect. then try bareback.. if she acts up try taking your bookbag ( with two shoulder straps) and put a rope through the straps. put some load in to book bag. like sand. ( u could use any bag i guess ) next tie the rope around the horses belly like a saddle would be cinched. take a lead rope and walk her around.

    increase the load and just walk with her. next have a friend or family member come aand lead the horse while you get on bareback.. don't walk right away.. just sit and let her get used to the whole idea. then walk on a lead rope. next lunge on a lunge line/rope at a trot when she gets good... then after she aces that move her into a lope.if she ever decides she needs to act up on you  put her in circles and back her up.. but just slowly ease into the whole process.. any horse that isnt hurt is able to do bareback.. its just if they are stubborn/or easy going... slow learners/ or sharp

  2. Every horse is diffrent. Some like bareback and Saddle some just  like saddle and some just like bareback. So i would think if your horse is fine with saddle and not bareback she dosent like being rode bareback. you can keep trying to see if she is just scared but if she starts rearing bigger than she is now then she dosent like bareback

  3. i love riding bareback! my horse is trained to do it!

  4. Horses like things and dislike things just like people. Maybe your horse is used to having a saddle on and not feeling just the weight of the rider. You should be able to do what you want with your horse so don't give up. Contact a trainer or have someone with you while you ride bareback. If you contact a trainer they will help you through the problems. I think maybe she is testing you on if you will keep on trying to ride her bareback. Don't let her get her way, be determined to succeed. Have someone experienced ( if you are not already comfortable) like an experienced rider try to ride her and see if she is testing he/she. Don't give up, keep on trying! Good luck

  5. I would agree that some horses may not take to bareback as easily as others.  To them, it is a very different feeling.  This isn't to say that you shouldn't do it.  They will eventually get over it.  Perhaps you could have a friend pony you around bareback, or have someone lunge you bareback, etc. In other words, have other people around in case of problems.  If your horse is ponied, forward movement means following a friend, and she may be pleasantly distracted, enough to quit rearing and get over it.

  6. i never had a horse that minded riding bareback.  had a friend that ruined a professional trained horse byt riding bareback.  he wrapped his legs then would pull back when the horse went to fast.  i kept telling himhe was wrapping legs and he would laugh.  he let me take care of for aweek while he was on a trip.  i retrained about the legs meaning go.  well he got back earlier than i expected and went riding.  when i got there he was talking about the run away ride he had.  i told him about wrapping his legs, he said he thought i was only kidding him.

  7. My guess is the horse wasn't trained to do bareback , so it doesnt know what your asking it to do.

  8. this is usually because the horse has not been ridden bareback before, u have to decide wether to give up n just ride with a saddle or continue trying bareback to teach her to accept it. the best way to teach her would be for you to be on her whilst someone leads you just in walk to start with then build up and get rid of the handler,

  9. she was probably trained to be saddle ridden.
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