
Barrel Racing Question....?

by  |  earlier

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My friends horse is just startin to drop her shoulder turnin the barrel. I suggested take advantage of pockets. Any other suggestions?? Tahnkx in ahead




  1. if shes leaning in to soon than bring her out wider in to the turn than she will make up for it when she comes around the barrel,

  2. use 2 hands, and bring her inside hand (closest to the barrel) up, like she is literally lifting the shoulder up.

  3. Hi,

    This could be caused by several things.

    Try having your friend do all of the following:

    1. Put the leg nearest the barrel up and into his side as though she is lifting his side off the barrel tap with the outside leg as she lifts with the inside.

    2. Drive her horse way into her pocket.

    3. Shove her butt in the saddle.

    4. Say whoa slow him down.

    5. Lift the rein with her inner hand up and into her saddle horn.

    If you do all of this you will leave the barrel up and keep your horse from dropping his shoulder.

    Hope I helped and Best of Luck!

  4. Make sure you are:

    *sitting up straight

    *looking toward the next place your headed(barrel or gate)

    *sit back

    *toes up

    *feet forward

    *When practicing try putting tires around the barrel so you don't hit it too tight!

    Hope this helped!!!

  5. All I can really suggest is working on leaning off his shoulder when they go around the barrels at a lope and use the leg nearest to the barrel, put it hard in front of or on the cinch and hopefully it will move his body off it a little bit but to still go around it without straying far or clipping it. Good luck.

  6. She shouldn't have the option of dropping her shoulder at just a lope. The slower you go, the more you should exaggerate the pattern. She needs to be taking the horse wider around the barrels. She also needs to make sure she is lifting with her inside rein and leg with slight pressure on the outside behind the cinch. This keeps the shoulder up and the hip from popping out in the turn.

    Hope this helps!

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