
Basketball try-outs???

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I absolutely LOVE playing basketball. I want to be sure that I make it on the basketball team this year. What should I do every day to prepare for try-outs in November. Is there something that I should do more often than others or should is there maybe a schedule I should follow to get ready.




  1. u could go running everyday to be in shape  and do some shooting and be on a diet and dont be lazy lol

  2. It would be good to work out everyday and get it great shape. A good schedule would be to run in the morning or evening.  Lift weights hard at least 3 times a week. Shoot everyday, but dedicate some days solely to working on defense. Hard work pays off and defense wins championships. Coaches also recognize hustle and in your face defense. One more thing...don't work so hard that you are worn out by the time the season rolls around and have some fun working out or else you might lose the passion. I know from first hand experience. Good luck!

  3. - Thats a very helpful video...

    you can do this either every day or every other day....

    dont stop believing just like garnett and lebron said- "Ive dreamed about winning it all since i was 9 years old, i remember seeing jordan win it all. right then, i knew that was gonna be me, that i was going to be part of that..... some dreams fade over time.... but not this one"

    Just practice everyday, this is what i do and im really good.

    practice routine-

    -10 right layups

    -10 left layups

    -10 baseline shots from left side( inside 3pt)

    -10 baseline shots from right(just inside 3pt)

    -10 3 pointers directly in line with hoop- like 3pt area behind foul line.

    -shots from 3 point and go around the arch like take a shot then move over 2 steps and shoot again then take 2 more steps and continue going around the arch. once you reached the other baseline on the oppisite side go back around the arch shooting threes

    -10 foul shots

    -run up and down court 10 tens while dribbling ball(5 times right hand, 5 with left)

    dont just take 10, you have to make 10.... thats to help your shooting and parts of basketball....

    NBA player videos teaching you important parts of bball-

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