
Bass Guitar inexpensive?

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hey everyone i have been seeing bass guitars every where i go there so cool and i have listining to people play them and now i really want one! first i do have an accoustic GUITAR wich i dont even know how to play one song on..too hard. So i thought maybe bass is easier since its only 4 strings instead of 6 but iam not i want a bass really bad cause i feel thats the instrument i really want to learn but first my parents are cheap and dont go any higher than $150 so does any one know any good bass guitars that are under $150 or at least are good bass guitars?

Ps i have given up on so many instruments before iam not even sure if this is a one-time addiction.I have given up on..

Electric Guitar





  1. Just get a cheapo bass to start of at like any department store, they're defiantly under 150. And you're not really going to be playing a guitar riff on a bass they take on different parts of the song you can play the bass to the song though haha.

  2. Bass can be easier than guitar, but not because it has less strings; with bass (at an early level anyways) you focus on single notes, not chords. Bass is about as easy or difficult as you make it though; there are plenty of very complicated techniques.

    Anyway, some good starter basses...

    Squier Affinity P Bass

    Squier Affinity J Bass

    Squier Vintage Modified Precision/Jazz Bass

    Peavey Millenium

    Peavey Milestone 5

    Yamaha RBX170

    Ibanez GAXB

    Ibanez GSR200

    Warwick Rockbass Streamer Standard

    OLP MM2

    Washburn XB100

    You should be able to find most of these for under $200, but it may be hard to get a decent one for $150 (maybe Squier?) - and it's not really worth it to buy a piece of c**p =\'ll need an amp too though, so I'd recommend a starter pack. Squier Ibanez and Peavey all make pretty decent ones, I think - I'd start looking there.

    Anyway, hope that helps you out, and that you find what you need =)


  3. hey, i getcha, i have an acoustic to start out with, and for christmas, i think i'm gettin an electric. hopefully a les paul and not a strat, but anyways, i was going to lessons for music and arts one day and saw this bass guitar on sale for i think around your budget, and lucky for me, i also saw a new electric guitar beginner's kit, which comes with everything. i think the bass also is a kit thing. hope i helped! :)

  4. You can get a Bass package for about 200 dollars, there is a really nice peavey one i saw on but if you want to play it cause its easy you need to know that it is not, yeah you can do simple things but it takes talent just like guitar, drums, piano...Good Luck

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