
Bass guitar player?

by  |  earlier

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I play bass(i've been playing for about a year maybe?), which i guess makes me a bass player, i enjoy playing bass, but i have some questions to ask.

-How long on standard playing does it take to learn to play by ear

-Is playing by ear a thing that comes naturally, or somthing you just need a talent for

-Should i take leasons, i know most basics, i play with my fingers..

-I play using tabs, should i learn how to read music?





  1. 1) the time it takes to learn to play by ear is completley different for every bass player so theres really no amount of time anyone can say. i personally learned to do it after a couple months of playing

    2) if you keep practicing and playing to songs you know you should be able to pick up on it i wouldnt  call it a talent but again its harder for some people and easier for others

    3)taking lessons would improve you bass playing by a lot but its really up to you. i personally never took bass lessons and dont plan too.

    4) learning to read music would be a big plus because you could pick up any sheet music and play it. but its not neccessary but again it would be beneficial to learn how to read music.

  2. For me playing by ear was natural. Even as a little girl i would pick out tunes and jingles from tv on the piano. The best way to develope that talent is just practice. If you know how a song sounds and you want to recreate it, just keep picking at it until you get it right. Over time youll find youre more accurate at picking the notes.

    Whether or not you need lessons depends on you and how disciplined you are. I never had lessons but i had a talened older brother that was always introducing new excersices to strengthen and stretch my hands and increase speed and stamina.

    Tabs are fine and you only have a need to learn sheet music if you feel like its knowledge you want to have. I use sheet music for piano and flute, and i use tabs for guitar and bass because they make more sense and are easier to read and learn the music for those instruments.

    It would probably be useful to at least study a little music theory so you understand and have a basic knowledge of scales and chords.

  3. WHO!? WHERE!? WAT!? jk I lOVE BASS GUITAR! Sorry though!

  4. In my band im bass, too. First, it should at least take a year or so to play by ear. And it is a talent but you can do it. (I believe in you!) You should get lessons if you think you need them. Using tabs is up to you. GOOD LUCK MY BASS BROTHER!
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