
Bassinet to Crib?

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What age did your child(ren) go from their bassinet to crib?




  1. I finally put my baby in crib in his own room at night. He is 9 months old. I think he actually likes it better. We had no choice because he was standing up in his playpen bed, where he can easily fall over!

  2. My son is 6 weeks and we have put him in his crib he hated the bassinet. He has slept so much better. This is my 4th child and I was a little nervuse because my other 3 stayed in the bassinet until like 3 months old so I asked the Dr. she said that bassinets are never a have to have thing, thats what they make baby monitors for. She also said most babys start sleeping threw the night sooner because they don't have someone getting them at every little peep, and dad's snoring is not keeping them up. So if you are comfortable about letting them sleep in the crib go for it they will be fine.GOOD LUCK with your new family the world needs more people like you.

  3. at 5 months.. i have always put a stuff animal in the bassinette and then moved it to the crib with them.. something familiar helps

  4. If I remember correctly about 3 months.

  5. My daughter just turned 3 months old, and we're fixing to make the transition. After learning how to roll over on her own, there's just not enough room for her in her bassinet. It all depends on each child. As long as there's room, I don't see the harm in remaining in the bassinet.
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