
Bathroom conversation etiquette?

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If two people are in the bathroom doing their business, is it okay to have a conversation while doing so?

At the urinal, I can understand... But sometimes I witness two people in different stalls talking.




  1. At a urinal its allways nice to just say sorry, and walk off.

  2. Are you talking to Senator Larry Craig in the bathroom stalls?!

  3. Miss Manners says that talking in bathroom stalls is fine, as long as one pauses their conversation in mid-sentence when a loud flatulation is about to erupt. Other communication (as in Morse code by toe tapping) is strictly forbidden for political reasons.

  4. I think there may be different rules by gender.  

    Women are more liberal about conversations in the lady's room.   Many talk to their friends while going business and some even talk to the stranger in the stall next door (especially if there is an outstanding request for paper to be passed).    

  5. bathroom conversation etiquette = not talking to people while you're in the bathroom

  6. I go to the bathroom to do one thing, and thats not talk, unless farting can be classified as carrying on a conversation.

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