
Bathroom question...seriously though...?

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No stupid comments...seriously... when you have diarrhea and you're around can you make it less obvious? Like:

1.going to the bathroom often

2. taking a long time

3. real bad smell

4.clutching stomach or not wanting to do anything

5. and seriously...when you're in there...and you just kinda like "explode" once you get on the do you make it less "loud"...and have less gas?




  1. Act normal, blame smells on others, don't make it obvious

  2. It sounds like you're asking the wrong question.  You ought to be asking what your problem is that is causing you such bad diarrhea.

    Try Pepto will coat your stomach & stop diarrhea.  You can take more than it says on bottle. (I know from experience).  Also take it before you eat.

    It sounds like IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome if it has been going on awhile on & off.

    Google:  mayo clinic>>diseases>>IBS

    As for #s 1,2,3,4...just tell people you haven't been feeling well.  If you can't have a bad smell in the bathroom, where can you?  Try taking some cologne or toilette water with you & spray .

    #5.  Take "Gas X" for gas problem...& clear your throat, hum, etc.

    Feel better

  3. Try to wait so you are not in a place where there are too many people. Make it discreet. If people ask why you are going to the bathroom- say too much caffeine or pop. You can always say that you have a stomachache from a food, too much food, or just you have one. It is impossible to "control" diarrhea, it just sort of comes out. If you are worried about the smell, try febreeze. (I'm serious). Spray a little before and after to help get rid of the smell. Good luck. =)

  4. hehehehe well just take ur perfume in with u. Or if ur scheduled to go to work dont go call in sick same with school.......

  5. cough when you need to do anything noisy on the toilet

  6. Going by #4, you should be staying home, after seeing your doctor!

    Keep matches on you and flush the toilet while you're going. I don't think anyone will ask why you flushed 3-4 times, but if they do, just say you're not feeling great. Be sure to clean up after yourself.

    Seriously, you need to get to a doctor. They'll fix you up. And stay home if you're having to go all the time, and you're having cramps. Buy some Immodium.  That doesn't solve the problem, but it'll get you by till you see the doc.

    Bless you and good luck.  :)

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