
Bathroomm questionnN!?

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ive been having some minor constipation problems lately and i dont know why... should i just go to the bathroom when i feel the urge to go or should i go to the bathroom after every time i eat and try and push it out.

also, how often do you go to the bathroom each day?

- doesnt it feel better when theres nothing in you? like right after you go to the bathroom? as opposed to eating and not going?

p.s. im in anorexia recovery and im not really sure what it feels like to have to go to the bathroom because i dont really get the urge to go that much and im on medicine to help me go. i also feel bloated after every time i eat and going to the bathroom makes me feel better. but any opinions or advice please!




  1. increase your fiber intake in your diet or take a fiber supplement daily.

  2. eat some prunes. eat fiber and drink lots of water

  3. Don't try to force yourself! I am sure you know that constipation is a pretty common problem in those dealing with anorexia. Given your history I would not supplement your diet with loads of extra fiber. I don't know if you were dependent on laxatives during your illness but that can complicate things. It basically makes your colon lazy and unable to do its job right.

    Adding fiber on top of that is like trying to clear a blocked pipe liquid cement.

    Do speak to your doctor about this. Prolonged constipation can cause serious problems with your digestive tract.

    In the meantime drink plenty of water and take a short walk 20 minutes after you eat.

    I am a vegan so I have a bowel movement at least once a day due to my high fiber diet. When I was eating an omnivorous diet I felt very uncomfortable due to an undiagnosed dairy allergy. I felt bloated constantly like I was never finished going.

    Keep working with your doctor and a nutritionist!

    Good luck to you!
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