
Bathtime Meltdowns!!! HELP!?

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I have a 14 month old daughter and she has a complete meltdown when it is bathtime. Up until about a month ago she LOVED taking a bath. Our bathtime routine has not changed, however, she hates to take a bath now. The second she sits in the water she is screaming and trying to climb out. She clenches on to me so tight as if she is afraid.The water is not too cold and it's defintely not too hot. I try to let her play with her favorite toys in bath and that still doesn't work. Any advice on how to make bathtime easier on me and her?




  1. Put in small increments of water in the tub at a time.  Basically having her sit in a small puddle in the tub just to desensitize her to the tub and having her bottom wet in the tub.  You should have a basin of water nearby so you can bathe her.  Hopefully she feels comfortable and safe.  Each time you bathe her add a little more water.  Make sure she feels comfortable with the current height of the water before you add more.  You could also do this with you sitting in the tub with her.  Your arms/body there for extra security.  Or since summer is here  maybe you can get a little swimming  pool for her to sit in and if necessary place the pool in the tub at bath time if that's something she feels comfortable in.  Unfortunately, since she can't tell you what's wrong, you are going to have to try several things.  Is it the tub, the height of the water, being in the water alone, a tub toy that's  missing, or what.  My last suggestion is giving her a shower instead.  She could sit on a kiddie chair if you are worried about slip and fall.  Its a shame you don't know what happened in between her loving a bath to having a meltdown.  Is their anyone else who gives her a bath that can help you figure out what happened.  Any way I hope something I suggested is helpful.  

    P.S.  Go slow with any desensitization you do.

  2. I think it's normal for them to do that. Our boy did the same thing. So, just recently I started giving him showers with me. I still use his head to toe bath gel but, at least his meltdowns are less time than before when he got baths. so, maybe you can try that. once he's out he's ok. He would clutch on tight either bath/shower. Maybe our kids will outgrow their fear of cleanliness! lol take care. and good luck!

  3. Try getting into the bathtub with her. You can also get some bath time books to read to her.

  4. my first daughter did that too.  turned out that the warm bath water stimulated her bowels and she was freaked out about possibly pooping in the tub.  this went on for about 3 months.  my second has had no issues at all, but then again, she is way less drama than her sister.  

    as far as making it easier....they make these fizzy balls that you can throw in.  mine love them (4 and 1 1/2).  the water turns colors and they smell nice.  i also got them some soap crayons that have been a big hit.  you could also get some tablets that change the color of the water so it's a surprise what color bath she will be taking.  all of these things can be bought at toys r us.  good luck!

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