
Battery help?

by  |  earlier

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My cordless house phone has a horrible battery. When i got it in my room a few months ago, it could last i think about 8 hours. Tonight when i picked it up, the battery started dying (the phone was beeping) after less than 2 minutes. Is there something i can do to help charge the battery? It charges all day long from about 11 pm to about 10 pm. I talk to my girlfriend at night and i dont want to stop cause i love talking to her all night, and i dont have money to get a new phone or a new battery. Anyone wanna help?




  1. Sheldon is right.  I am ex radio shack alumni too... there must be a lot of us out there!

    You must replace the battery.  To maximize performance on the new one, be sure to charge is fully before use.... normally at least 12 hours for a cordless phone.

    To maximize battery life, you need to use the phone the way most people do not:  after charging it fully, leave it OFF the charger until it goes completely dead.  Then recharge it fully before touching it.  Most people, myself included, toss the phone back on the charger when finished.  Not good for the battery, but hey, having a dead cordless phone is not convenient either.

    Two ideas:  check out certified battery below.  They sell UpStart Batteries which have a lifetime warranty.  I don't know if they make cordless phone batteries though.

    Another idea:  get yourself a skype account and talk to your girlfriend all night on the computer!  That way it is free (if long distance) and you don't need to get a new phone or battery)

    Good luck!

  2. It could be caused by not allowing the battery to fully charge after you bought the phone.  No real way to fix it.  I have had good experience with getting more charge out of batteries by putting them in the freezer overnight and then letting them thaw in the morning.  Batteries aren't that expensive check out

  3. You most likely have a ni-cad battery in your phone.  The problem with ni-cad is that you have to drain them fully before recharging the battery, also you don't want to leave the phone on the charger to long either, the best bet would be to check at Radio Shack, you should be able to acquire a Nickel Metal Hydride battery for your phone, which will last longer, and you will no longer have issues with battery memory.  Most of them only cost around $20. Also The freezer is a bad place to put a battery freezing a battery and then heating it during recharging can lead to a possible leak in the cells or possibly an explosion, the freezer is not a safe place to store batteries, room temperature only.

  4. you should check to ensure that the phone is being charged when it is placed on the cradle...

    with either a pencil or very fine sandpaper (the higher the grade # the better) clean the contacts on the phone and charger.

    when returning the phone to the base ensure that the charging light is lit..

    while most modern batteries do not require that you drain down the battery all the way, to ensure a full charge you can attempt to try this to see if this may extend the length of your battery.

    you can get cheap 900 mhz phones in the $20 range, but beware security is lacking with 900 mhz phones, they can be easily listened to with a radio scanner, and cheap corded phones can be bought for around $5. it is always a good idea to have a corded phone lying around as a back up anyhow in the event of a power failure
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