
Batting practice at away game...?

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I'm a Texas Rangers fan...Go Josh!!!...My parents got tickets to an AWAY Rangers game in Baltimore for my birthday (we live in North Carolina). I know that if we get there a couple hours early, we can watch the teams take batting practice. I just want to know if BOTH teams take batting practice before a game, cuz I'd love to watch the Rangers take BP.




  1. I saw the Rangers taking batting practice during a game at Fenway back in June of '99. I caught one of the balls.  I think the away team takes batting practice second.

  2. First of all I'd like to say sorry.  It must be hard being a Rangers' fan! Then again, it isn't much better being an O's fan either these days, lol.

    The answer is yes, BOTH teams take BP.  The home team practices first followed by the visitors.  Enjoy your trip to Camden Yards!

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