
Battle of the somme?

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Why was this battle an important site? What an important city or region being protected? Etc..




  1. The battle of the somme was important because for months the French army had been talking heavy casualties at Verdun and it was recognised that a major British offensive was needed to make the Germans move precious troops and equipment away from Verdun,by the end of the battle the British had lost 420,000 men, the French 200,000 and the Germans 500,000.

  2. what's also significant is that the British had a majority of their casualties on the first day, so you can see how badly the British needed to win back the ground.

  3. The battle of the somme was to accomplish 3 things: 1. to relieve pressure on the french at Verdun (fighting since February of that year, somme began on July 1st), 2. Breakthrough the german lines to bring back mobike warfare.  3. If that failed, draw Germans into a battle of attrition.  Number 1 and 3 were accomplised to some effect, but on a 50km front, the british only advanced 12-14 km From July 1st to Nov. 19th, 1916 ) or 4.5 months.  Cost over 1 million casualties on both sides (200 000 French, 400 000 British, 500 000 German).

  4. The British were trying to break through the Germans to relieve pressure on the French at Verdun. The British goal was to capture Bapaume.

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