
Battling depression- any words of empowerment?

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I'm really struggling right now. Any words of comfort/empowerment you can give me?




  1. You're not alone! For me, I didn't want to take medication like one of my family members, I have researched and found that any type of physical activity is cleansing to the body and the mind. I'm not tying to be some crazy new-age person. Just relax, take a walk, focus on what makes you happy. One thing I've started doing is meditation. You'll be ok. Live and love life!

  2. If you are battling depression I would go to the dr and get some medication to help you with the depression and I would also go see a therapist also. The combination of both of them will help you. Try talking to a good friend, sometimes that helps.

  3. There are many people you can talk to

    : Friends

    : Family

    : professionals

    Don't hold you're feelings back, talk to many people and they can help a treat you wouldn't realise.  

  4. no it might get better or worse it all up to you

  5. you are not alone, theres millions of people who feel the same way as you. try and find someone, possibly through an internet forum. wake up each day with a smile on your face, and each time a negative thought comes, try and outrule it with a positive thought. see the doctor and try to get a consellor. contact me if you want and i wll try to help .good luck

  6. Proverbs 3:5,6

    Trust in The Lord with all your heart, In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. The joy of The Lord is our strenght, is a bible scripture, so laugh, and laugh hard, watch comedy's many of them, joke around, many comedians you see on T.V. have a history of hardship or very bad luck behind them.

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