
Bca pool league question?

by  |  earlier

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I play bca league my question is on safteys I know if you make a player foul three consecinitive times you win the game but what if a player fouls on his shot even though you had nothing to do with it then you play safe and he fouls the second time is he on two? and you play safe a second time and he makes a third foul do you win the game I know you have to tell him when he is on two hope I hade my question clear




  1. Tom is absolutely right.  Also, if you are a member of any league they should give you a team manual at the beginning of each session to outline the rules; you should ask your league operator for a copy if you don't have one just so, if during a match, you have any questions you can refer to the manual and find out right then and there...could mean the difference between winning and losing your match.

  2. A foul is a foul regardless if you or he created it for him. Your team captain should have a rulebook that states that. I have been playing in pool leagues since 1988.

  3. A foul is a foul....a better example would be fouling on the break....with ball in hand and all of balls probably grouped of the best times to look at fouling them out....been on the opposite end when this scenario was aimed at me...when I thought he was going to go for the third one I just "wacked" the balls and spread them out to make it a little harder for him to hide the cue ball with...but in answer to your question....a foul is a foul!....don't forget that you have to tell him that he is on two.....he might be confused as to one of the fouls especially if he did it to himself!!

  4. Yes, it does not matter if you or your opponent created

    foul, a foul has been committed, thats one. Sorry, I did not

    realize you had to inform oppenent that he has two fouls.

    A player has to realize any situation he is in.

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