
Bearded dragon cage???

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so i am thinking that i may want a beardy....what would i want for it and put in its cage? what is the best food? all that stuff ................... THANKS!!^_^




  1. Please do everyone a favor and buy a few books, check out websites and get all of the information you can on bearded dragons before you buy one. They are relatively easy to keep, if you have the right equipment. They need a large spacious cage (At least 40 gal tank with lid) I use news paper as a substrate, because it is easy to clean and there is no chance of impaction (The animal will sometimes eat sand as it tries to catch crickets) You should provide a couple of basking logs and maybe a hide box if you want. Mine don't ever use it. Important: You need to have the right lighting. You should have a heat lamp for basking on one side of the cage ( Always leave a cool area in the enclosure so your lizard can thermo regulate) You also need a light source capable of emitting both UVA and UVB radiation, for proper metabolism. You should feed your beardie store bought crickets (no larger than the animal's head.) Meal worms, and wax worms are good treats. (Avoid superworms, as they have a hard shell and tough to digest) You can also give your dragon a variety of lettuce and vegetables. Make sure that you get a calcium supplement to coat both the vegetables and crickets with.

  2. Okay,

    for a baby you would want at least a 20 gallon tank. About six months later upgrade it to a 40.

    If you get a baby DO NOT put sand at the bottom of the tank. Its bad for them cause sometimes it gets stuck to the crickets, then the bearded dragon eats the crickets and the sand can cause them to get sick..i would but paper towel at the bottom. But if you get a adult then sand is fine

    I would put a branch from a pet store so they can climb or a little log thing so they can get shaded.

    You need a heat lamp.

    Bearded dragons crickets and greens[lettuce]

  3. You'd want a tank(at least a 40 gallon breeder tank for an adult), you'd want a waterbowl, you'd want 2 hides - one on the hot side and one on the cold side, and you'd want a basking branch where they can lay closer to their light. You can add more decoration, but remember, the more stuff you put in the more stuff you have to take out to clean.

    For food:

    As a baby it should eat mostly crickets, and some veggies. An adult will eat mostly veggies, some crickets. There are other bugs they like such as cockroaches and mealworms and sometimes even pinkies(newborn mice) are used as treats, but they're not necessary. You can also feed Bearded Dragon pellets which include essential vitamins and stuff that you can find at a pet store, but even if those are the staple part of their diet, they should still get crickets and veggies sometimes.

    If you have any other questions feel free to send me a message.

  4. Well first of all you should have a 4x2x2 cage and have a heat lamp about 75 watts at one end of the cage. An inclined  stick or pile of rocks that gradually gets higher and closer to the lamp. (not close enough to let it touch it) Some food is crickets for protein, and some veggies too. It might not automatically drink water from a water bowl so you should spray a mist on it unil it stops drinking and bathe it as well. The water should be up to its elbows.Some sand is vita-sand which is what I use do it can help digest it's food. The veggies and greens should be given in the morning so it can get digestion early. If you have a dragon smaller that 12 inches you shouldn't have sand but news paper. A petstore will have care sheets and information books and stuff. I went to Petco, but i have no idea where you ive so you should go to their website and use the store locator.
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