
Beaufort movie Hebrew?

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can you please tell me how to say what there saying on this

In hebrew but using english letters insted of the hebrew one you for example how we insted of writing israel in hebrew characters we write it yisrael




  1. ~Ata~ yode'a ma hapaxad haxi gadol sheli?

    ~She'ani mi~shtaxrer ve'af exad lo sofer oti

    Lifney kama zman lilax lakxa oti le'eze mesiba shel xaverim shela

    Kulam studentim ka'ele, magnivim ka'ele

    ~Ani mi~stakel la ba'enayim vero'e shehi mitbayeshet bi

    Az lama hi lo ozevet otxa, axi?

    Hi lo ozevet oti ki ani kan


    Ex ani met kvar lehatxil et haxayim sheli

    Lir'ot ma yikre li

    Tzava ze lo haxayim, liraz

    Xutz mize, po yoter mafxid

    Ani lo yode'a im ani sone otxa o mekane bexa

    A, axi, al tisna oti

    Lo magi'a li

    Od esrim ve'axat yom ani menashek et mishel basfatayim

    Ata kolet?

    Liraz, taxnis oti pnima, liraz!


    x- "ch" as in "loch"

    r- pronounced like a French "r"

    The speech in this movie is very colloquial, so they don't pronounce some of the syllables...

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