
Beauty trouble!! (preferably girls only)?

by Guest32607  |  earlier

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My legs are getting flabby, can you please please tell me some exercises to tone my legs? And my arms are hairy and my mom wont let me wax them or anything. My hands also get really sweaty. Please help me. I don't want to be ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...





  1. If you want to tone your legs walk up and down stairs this will help your legs and butt. You could also do some squats and lunges those will really tone your legs. If you are serious about working out you might want to look at getting The Firm workout they are great workouts in the video but you have to stick with it.  

  2. LEGS:running,jumping jacks,dancing,kickboxing,sit down bend and touch toes,and try to stand on your toes long as possible.

    HAIRY ARMS:well if its cuz the color of it thenfind a powder same color as your skin tone and lightly put it on.

    HANDS SWEATY: not much you can do 4 that keep stuff out of your hands often and when your just walking around keep your hands open.

                                        HOPE IT HELPS!!!!

  3. You can shave your arms, I know it seems weird. And there's always the wives tale that it will make it grow back differently, but it won't!!! I work at a skin care center at a plastic surgeon's office. I shave my upper lip hair, it's still blonde after all this time, and still the same consistency. Your hair does not know it's being cut off, think about it this way, the hair on your head doesn't grow back different because you cut the ends right?? Your hair gets darker over time, because your body changes, not because of what you're doing to it. Hope that helps.

  4. Running every morning helps a bunch and running up hills,running up and down the stairs,and doing squats.It sounds like a lot,but it you want to get rid of flabby arms then you have to work at it.

  5. if you buy the seventeen magazines each month, they have awesome excersises for every part of your body

    hope i helped  

  6. oh honey, it's gonna be alright. im sure you are tiny and you're just freaking out. everyone has these troubles at one point so you can ask any girl you know with that said i'll try to help you out.

    for your legs you can go running, do light weightlifting (buy the book toning for teens or just google it), or do cardio workouts. you can look those up on youtube. they are simple.

    for your arms, everyone has hairy arms. i know one or two people shave or wax their arms but thats silly. nobody notices arm hair because absolutely everyone has it.

    your hands getting sweaty is perfectly normal too. sometimes its from lotion and its also a sign of being nervous. when i held hands with my first bf, our hands sweated a lot. it was a little embarrassing when every so often he'd wipe his hands on his jeans.

    i swear you'll be fine. if you have other questions, you can email me.

  7. for your legs try running (helps hole body) then try to look up a ballet first position and then stand ion the ball of your feet and hold then come down continue for as long as you can (this really helps with your calf's) If your legs are flabby it could just be a muscle or you could make it a muscle. Your mom just propobly doesn't want you to grow up to quickly. (try talking to her about it)

  8. For your legs you can run up and down your stairs, or jog, or do some leg lifts.

    Also stay away from chips. Chips will go straight to your thighs.

    Don't worry about hairy arms, everyone has hair there, its the one spot that is okay to have hair in. ha ha.

    Don't sweat it.

    If you really are worried just wait till you 18 or something and have them waxed.


  9. flabby legs- squats, stretch first, then do 3 sets of ten everyday and also try laying on your back, hands behind head, legs out slightly higher from the floor and pretend to pedal like you would on a bike, do 3 sets of ten everyday, increase sets when it becomes too easy.

    hairy arms- no wax? bleach, use Jolen cream it's fabulous and works, you could find it in your local pharmacy, less than 10 dollars.

    sweaty hands-Sweaty palms, more properly known as palmar hyperhidrosis, is a condition that affects about 1% of the US population. Although the exact cause of sweaty palms is still debated, many experts believe it is caused by a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system, causing the sweat glands in the hands to produce sweat unnecessarily.

    Sweating is a device the body uses to help regulate its temperature to keep everything running smoothly. The human body has millions of sweat glands, and more than half of them are found in the hands. When the body becomes agitated – through physical exertion, extreme temperatures, or stress – the sweat glands release sweat to help cool the body back down to its optimal temperature range.

    People who have severe palmar hyperhidrosis experience sweaty palms even when the body should not, for any physiological reason, be trying to cool down. This can cause severe discomfort and embarrassment and can get in the way of performing certain everyday tasks. Though sweaty palms are treatable through a number of different procedures, there is no complete cure, and most people continue to live with the condition throughout their lives.

    In the past, the medical establishment tended to diagnose sweaty palms as a purely psychosomatic illness, but this view is gradually fading. While psychological factors can certainly exacerbate the condition – when one begins experiencing sweaty palms in a social situation, for example, the stress induced by inappropriate sweating can cause even more sweating to occur – it is generally accepted now that the underlying cause is physiological. The most likely cause of sweaty palms, as well as other types of hyperhidrosis, is an overactive sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system manages all sorts of functions in the body that make up what is commonly termed the fight-or-flight response; this includes the release of a number of chemicals such as adrenaline, increasing heart rate, constricting blood vessels, and of course, sweating. When the sympathetic nervous system malfunctions, certain fight-or-flight responses may be triggered at inappropriate times, as in the case of sweaty palms.

    Whether the malfunction of the sympathetic nervous system has, in turn, a deeper cause is a matter of some study and discussion. It may be that the malfunction occurs on the level of the ganglia themselves, or it may be that a neurological malfunction triggers the sweat glands in the palms to act inappropriately. Whatever the root cause, sweaty palms is at last sufficiently understood to offer a number of chemical treatments to help those suffering from this affliction to realize a level of normalcy in their lives that only a few decades ago would have been nearly impossible.

    what you can do-

    although you should talk to a dermatologist first if it's really severe.


  10. u can bleach ur arm hair... :)

  11. squats and leg lifts are great.

    a leg lift is when you lay on ur left side with ur right arm in front of you for support and your left leg bent behind you then lift ur right leg. and same with the other side. sorry if that was confusing. haha. :)

    as for ur arms, if she wont let u shave or wax, put lemon juice on them when ur out in the sun. it will bleach the hair.

  12. exercising your heart will make every part of your body less flabby including your legs. Maybe you could talk to a counselor at school who will mediate a meeting with your Mom about how your arms are making you feel. Don't get your hopes up, but maybe being persistent and explaining the affect it has on your self-esteem might be the way to go. Good luck.

  13. to tone up your legs lay ur back on the floor and with ur legs peddle like ur on a bike.  

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