
Bed times???

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when do u think a

1yr -17yr sould be in bed

my 1yr old gos to bed at 9 or 10 i think thats late but she wont sleep any earler so what r good bed times for those ages

i remmber when i was 4-10 it was 8or 9

and when i was 10-13 it was 10

after 13 i went to bed when i wanted most of the time about 12




  1. my 2 1/2 yr old goes to bed at 7:30

  2. During the summer, whenever they fall asleep in there bed time.

  3. Depends on kids temperaments and what they have going on the next 3 year old(who stays home w/ me during the day) is in bed around 8:30 on most nights. yet due to school (and hes a kid who requires more sleep) 7 year old nephew is in bed at 7:00.

  4. I think 9 or 10 is WAY too late! Because as they get older it will get late and later and have a hard time waking up.  You should shorten their nap times and start taking away 10 minutes at a time so the one year old goes to bed around 7:30-8.  I think a 1-2 should go to bed around then, 2-7 around 8-8:30, 7-10 around 9, then at the age of 10 or so they usually know how much sleep they need. BUT, all kids need different amounts of sleep, then they actually know their own bodies.... My sister only sleeps MAYBE 6 hours a night, and I need a full 8!!

  5. My 5 month old and my 3 year old are both in bed by 7:30 and they sleep until we wake them up at 7:00 (my 5 month old does sleep-nurse one time at 10:00pm though).  Our bedtimes will stay 7:30 until the kids are 8 years old, then they will get to stay up until 8:00.  It will then stay 8:00 until they are 11 when we will move it to 9:00.  When they turn 13, they will be allowed to stay up until 10:00 on the weekends.

    Even as an "adult" living at home (I didn't move out until I was 21), week days had a lights out curfew at 10:00 and weekends was 12:00.  I remember thinking this was REALLY strict and mean of my parents, but now I realize that it was out of respect for my parents (who wanted a quiet house so that THEY could sleep) that they held these rules.  I intend to do the same with my children.

    There have been tons of studies that discuss the importance of children under the age of 14 getting at least 11-13 hours of sleep per day (this can include nap times).  It is vital to their physical as well as their mental growth.  Google "minimum sleep +children"--you'll find all sorts of articles :)

  6. When my children were scjhool aged I made sure they went to bed at a time that allowed them to get enough sleep so that they were not cranky in the morning.

    For my daughter that was sometimes 7 pm.  My son was able to go with less sleep and still get ready for school and be awake.  He was more like 8 or 9 depending on his age.

    The idea is to make sure they get the amount of sleep they need.  Start with a time that seems rational to you and then see how they are in the mroning.  If they have a tough time getting out of bed then adjust it back 30 minutes until they get up and get ready without alot of drama.

  7. I think 8-9 is nice also it will help get them ready for school.

  8. I think it all depends on the child.  If your 1 yr old is getting enough sleep, 9 or 10 isn't too late.  Plus, she's probably napping, right?

    For comparison, my 8 and 12 yr olds go to bed at 9 on school nights, 10 or 10:30 on weekends or in the summer.  And have been followng that schedule since the were much smaller.
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