i was thiking of making beef stew again today (i have some that expires today.)
does anyone have any ideas on what i can do with it? i have a limited supply of herbs/vegetables in the house and i dont feel like popping out, this is what i have.
red cabbage
pointed cabage (chinese) (dunno what its called in english)
unions (red and white)
yellow paprika (just 1)
fresh garlic
fresh ginger
dried spices:
anise, star anise, oregano, dille, daragon, curry djawa, curry massala, salt, pepper, paprika powder, cayenne pepper, piment, chinese 5 spice, thym, laos, sereh, funegriek (seed and powder), djinten, kaffer, rosemary, lavender and koriander.
vinegar, soysauce, fishsauce, stock tablets and oyster sauce (just a little)
any ideas? plz only pick from the list ^^