
Beer vs. smirnoff ice?

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is drinking a beer and a smirnoff the same? or is beer stronger?




  1. Beer is stronger and way better

  2. There the same but beer tastes better and if you drink and wine cooler or smirnoff ice thing and  your not a girl expect to be ragged on.

  3. any drink with alcohol in it is bad, and i suggest not talking it, ever

  4. drink what u want m8 what ever tastes better to u

    personally i like beer 8 pint usally does it :)

  5. Beer is stronger and better. Smirnoff ice is for lightweights and q****s. If you drink smirnoff ice you cant call yourself a straight male. Not hating on g*y people....even they will understand what i am trying to say....thumbs down all you want...if your a guy just go to a bar and order it...sit over there and count how many other people around the bar are laughing at you.

  6. Strenght depends on the beer

    beer can run anywhere from 3 to 30 percent

    (heinikin beer is around 5%)  many light beers are closer to 3, and some imports get over 10%

    Smirnoff ice is 5% according to their website, they say comparable to many premuim and imported beers.

    As for all the people saying drinking smirnoff ice is not manly.  I consider smirnoff ice the same thing as a martini, basically a flavored vodka drink, no worse than Mike's, or a hard cider.  For those of us that can't drink beer (gluten intolerances) or don't like the flavor, i don't see why its so bad.
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