
Bees!!!! help please?

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there are a ton of bees at my house because of cat food. i dont want any of the 3 kittens hurt. do u know how to get rid of them without getting stung or moving the cat food? i dont have any bug spray so that would not be an option. i dont want to spend any money. so if u can help i would like it so much. thanks




  1. Bees really are amazing creatures. They communicate by dancing, and by dancing, bees can actually pinpoint food sources for other bees. I mean, if we’re going to talk about the miracles of evolution, bees are certainly one of them. Of course, bees can also be a nuisance; especially when they start making their home near yours. I understand why getting rid of bees might be a priority for you right now. The most common places to find bees would be under eves and awnings, porches, and in the voids of walls—a particularly annoying place for a queen bee to choose as a nest. Just this summer I got my first sting from a bee where the colony had made its nest just under the first step to my mother’s second story porch. It was painful, but I wouldn’t say I hold it against the poor guy. He did leave part of his *** (attached to the stinger) hanging from my ear and died what I imagine was a very painful death—without his ***. So, if you want to avoid getting stung when you wander outside, here is how to get rid of bees

    . Before you do anything about removing bees or removing bee nests, you should first attempt to contact a local beekeeper. There is a good chance they will get rid of your bees for free. Why? Because in the last few years wild honey bee populations have dwindled down to almost 3% of their estimated original population. Before resorting to bee killer, steps should be taken to remove the bees peacefully, without chemicals. Ask around your local co-op, someone is bound to know a beekeeper.

    If you want to get rid of bees, you should try to figure out what kind of bees they are. To your right is an image of a honey bee. Now, if you roll your mouse over the picture you’ll see a different picture, a picture of a wasp. Which one looks more like the insects you’re trying to get rid of? If it looks more like a wasp, then here’s a link to the article about getting rid of wasps. If it looks like a bee, then you should proceed to the next section.


    In order to get rid of bees, you’ll have to find their nest. Because bees are diurnal (day dwelling) insects, it’s easier to find their nests at the beginning of dusk when the sun starts to set, or late dawn when the sun starts to rise. This is when you’ll notice the shimmer of wings in the twilight moving towards one particular area. Often times you’ll see a whole cloud of them surrounding a hive as they make their way indoors or outdoors.  

    If you want to get rid of bees, you’re going to have to kill the bees. Spraying RAID into the nest is your best bet. This should be done in the evening, or in the dark, whichever is your preference. Dressing up in sweats with elastic bands with thick socks and gloves would be a good idea if you don’t want to risk being stung. I would recommend a face mask if you’re paranoid, but you may want to spare your neighbors the confusion of seeing a thief armed with an aerosol can in your backyard.  

    To make sure you really do get rid of the bees, spray the nest once more during the following evening. You should probably keep your eyes on the nest during dusk or dawn to see whether or not there is any traffic going to or from the bee nest. If you don’t see any bees, then chances are you did the job right. If you do see bees, do what I told you and spray the bee nest one more time, and check the following morning to make sure you got rid of the bees for good.  

    Once you’re certain the bees are dead, it’s time to get rid of the bee nest. You don't want this nest to be reclaimed by different bees later in the season. To be certain you avoid the risk of being stung, dress yourself in your silly looking sweats again—sweats work well because the thickness provides a buffer between your skin and their stinger—and go knock that nest down. If it’s a nest in the ground, make sure to fill the hole you found it in. If it’s a nest in your siding, you may have to call a professional to have it removed.

  2. bug zapper!  

  3. Don't leave the cat food out in the open air. Put the cat food some place cat safe! A porch; or feed the cats inside.            

  4. you might have a hive somewhere near your house, so try looking for one or calling in an expert. you might also try putting up meshes over your windows and doors (the norm in the Mediterranean, keeps bugs out, plus the house is still ventilated). if it helps, bees generally don't sting unless really forced to.

  5. AW! poor kitties! D:

    ok well. i used to have bees at my place and my dad got rid of them by out at night and spraying at the bees with the bee killer thing. if you don't have any you can go to any of the spay buy some at KingSuper's.


    also...well i've never done this before but. i think if you call 9-1-1 they will get bees severice or bee killing people to take them away. but if you dont wanna try any of this out the go on the computer and type in bee experts.

    there should be something there for you.

  6. Put the bee's house (bee combs, i think)on fire...thats the only way.  

  7. I completely agree with 20/M/NY

    I would say that the bee population is more of a risk needing major attention than other envirnmental improvements like Global Warming.  Most people dont understand what would happen if bees became non-existant.  We would have no fruit or veggies!  I understand that you are in a situation with the cats and you need to do what you need to do.  I would first try and find a local bee keeper in the area to obtain the bees naturally without killing them off.  I know you may be only talking 20 or 30 bees but we should all do our parts.  I cant begin to tell you how many of my tomatoe flowers did not get pollinated this year because of the sudden drop in bee pollination and my neighbor happens to be a bee keeper!

  8. hmmm that's a toughie. If you can't feed them inside, perhaps feed them far away from the house? Or if you can feed them inside, keep your screens closed. Hope this helps!

  9. do not kill bees...move your cat food...why are kittens outside anyways!
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