
Before she gets shots!?

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Can I give my little girl who is three months old Tylenol before she gets her shots? Or should I give it to here after? And how much do I give her. The bottle doesnt say for a baby that small. This will be her first shots!




  1. definantly call your doctor to check. but my doctor said .08 on the dropper. i give it about 30 minutes before.

  2. Don't give her before, she may not even need it. We did without, after she slept and I gave her later then she was cranky and was not feeling well. Same did with shots at 4 months. Why do you want to medicate baby before it even needs it? Have Infants Tylenol handy and ask doctor at the time of shots how much to give - he will tell you.

  3. Yes, you want to give the first dose an hour before the first shot, and then every 6 hours for 48 hours. The usual dose is 15 mg/kg. Cal the doctor's office and have them calculate a dose for you.  

  4. wait until you get to the appointment.  they will need to take her temp first because shots cannot be given to a child with a fever.  if you give her tylenol, you could be masking a fever that you hadn't noticed.  take the tylenol with you to the appointment and ask if you can give it then.  it should work quickly enough.  shots are usually given by the nurse after the visit with the doctor at our office.

  5. Bring it with you to the doctor's office, ask her how much to give and whether you should give it right before or after.

  6. you can give her 0.4 and i recommend you doing that, he poor lil leggys will be bugging her forsure after wards.

  7. i would wait..shes too young to have all types of medication running in her system..if shes getting her shots then ask the doctor how long you should wait to give her tylenol..and if you do make sure its liquid tylenol and give her no more than .04..sometimes they dont need the tylenol..why give her more?? i barely gave my son tylenol..he was cranky after-wards but i dealt with it because i do not believe in giving them medicine if it is not absolutely son is 6 months and will go for shots this thursday..they suck!

  8. Yeah you can give her to the .04 on the dropper about an hour to thirty minutes before you take her... then your supposed to give it to her every 4 hours for 48 hours after the shots... if you don't feel comfortable giving it to her you can always call the doctor before you go to check but I'm sure it will be fine. My son was 2 months old when they told me to give it to him.

  9. I was suggested to give it before.And when I did,she didn't have a fever from the after effect of the shots.

  10. i never tried giving it before my daughter doesnt really mind the prick of the needle but the day after her vaccines she gets a fever and i will give  her tylenol 2x the day she has the fever. i dont want to give her to much c**p running through out her system for pains in her legs just put a cool cloth over the injection site. good luck. i know for her first shots i couldnt look she did that cry where she held her breathe and AHHHHHH she screamed so loud. i felt so bad, bring whatever calms her down and just hold and hug her and kiss her she will be fine dont worry!

  11. When I took my daughter to get her shots they will offer to give them Tylenol before they give them the shots and they can tell you the dosing. If they do not offer it, TELL THEM YOU WANT SOME! Trust me you want the Tylenol. Best of luck to you and your little girl!

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