
Being a Military Wife?

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Does it suck? He is getting his degree so he won't be enlisted, he will either be a navy seal or an officer. How often will he be gone? Any personal experiences, good and bad?




  1. It takes a strong man to be a soldier and an even stronger woman to stand behind one. If he is going Navy he will go on deployments whether we are in war time or not and as far a Seals go you will not ever be allowed to really know where he is or what he's doing. I hope you're strong and trusting... Good luck

    -Real life Army Wife

  2. Some women can handle it and some can't. It just depends on how you and your husband deal with the stress that comes with being in the military. My husband and I cope with it fine, and I certainly enjoy the benefits, but deployments SUCK. However, if you love them through it, you will be fine. Prayer helps too!

  3. well i am married to army, and yes he is gone alot but its great when he comes home. you do get use to it and after a while its just part of your life as a partner to some one who is in the military

  4. I have experience as a military brat, my dad just retired as an officer. I'll tell you what I know...there's good and there's bad. The military community is pretty close knit, especially if you live on Base anywhere. People are all going through the same things. Being military at all entitles you to some benefits, so that's nice. My dad was gone a lot, and my mom had to be both parents for a while, but honestly, how much he'll be gone depends on his job. It's good he's getting his degree.

    The down side to the military, regardless of branch, is that there's a lot, i repeat, a lot, of BS. As a wife, you're basically an extension of your husband, and there's just as many demands placed on you as there are on him. You're expected to be on your best behavior, and as an officers wife, you'll be expected to participate in groups like the wives club, or the booster club, and to attend all the formal gatherings that are held. My parents had to make appearances at all the officer's balls and dinners and meetings. They called it "mandatory fun". Except it wasn't always fun. You'll meet some great people, but be prepared to keep a happy face, because it's expected of you.

    If you really want some insight, watch the show Army Wives. And pay attention to the chief commander's wife, and all her responsibilities. That's really how it is-- maybe not right away, but once your husband moves up in the military, that's your job. It's pretty accurate. That's all I have to say. There's good and bad, but remmeber its not just your husband that's now in the military-- it's you, too.  

  5. Depends on what the woman can handle, my wife was a military brat and had a pretty good insight on the military lifestyle.  So she's used to me deploying practically every year or less, and the whole moving around.  She's also aware of the close knit community and her role as a military wife.  Of course she's aware of the many benefits it has money wise and travel wise as well.

    I'd say the good side to it is the financial benefits it can have, free medical, free housing (if you live on base...and even then you get base housing allowance off base), lots of support programs for her when i'm gone, and fre travel.  

    The bad side is the fact that i'll be gone 4-6 months or at times a year practically every year (depends on the job you have, i'm in the air force and work services...i deploy every year for 4 months, soon to turn into 6 months.)  Also the BS that the military can have given your 'participation' in that close knit community.  Everything you do reflects...even what your wife if you aren't social, it can affect you unfortunately as far as your successes.  It differs at every base, but where i'm at oh can't be a loner and go far.  

    Each branch is also different, Army deploy  a h**l of a lot, and it isn't 4 months, we're talkin 6 to a year, probably every 6 months.  Even as an officer you'll still deploy.

    My wife enjoys it, maybe not the deployments so much..but we've realized we appreciate each other 10x more every time i leave, because we've seen how close our bond is and how we can't live without each other...then when i come home it's like we've first dated and can't keep ourselves off each other.  It's also that 'need for space' time when living together gets on our nerves and we need space away for a bit.....course that lasts for about a month and then i'm wishing i was home with her already, but I suppose we've made the best of the situation.

  6. it sucked sooo bad.

  7. Depends on the woman.

    Its sucked for me and I divorced over it.

    It was the worst experience in my entire life.

  8. yes, it sucks!!!
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